How do you feel when you already broke up and now your best friend has been waiting to approach him/her?
well... it depends how long ago the break up was.... if you just broke up, and your best friend chops her already, thats messed up... but if its been a while, its their personal life. who am i to bud in? its only if it occurs right after the break up...
First there's a topic on how to go for your best friend's ex... now it's when your best friend go for urs... -shrug
agreed.. if right after break up and ur best friend chops her.. i will chop him!! if long after, then it's cool
well as people said it depends on how long after. Also you should get over your ex instead of hanging on anyways, i just don't know why people refuse to move on and keep feelings there when they know that there is no turning back for that relationship. Also if my best friend came and talked to me about it first, then that would be better as he/she is coming clean with it instead of trying to hide the fact that they might have a thing going on with my ex.
as every1 has said, its ur ex. ex = past get over it while ur still friends with them, let ur friends be happy =)
Nothing wrong with ur fren wantin to approach your ex; as long as you guys broke off for some other rsn and not bcoz of ur best friend. If you really think of him as ur best friend, then you shouldn't mind if he wants to go after her. As someone posted in the other thread...
what happened to the saying about friends exes are off limit? I personally don't mind my friends going after my exes, but whatever you guys do, you gotta remember I've been there done that, is that a feeling you can deal with? if yes, then sure, go for it. I personally wouldn't go after a friend's ex because I don't like thinking someone else I know has enjoyed him already! hahah
I'd be ok with it... If they're really your best friend, wouldn't you want them to be happy? Again, the aforementioned applies... It's ok if he/she wasn't the cause of the breakup.
I'd have to say depends on teh breakup.. if you still have feelings for you ex andyour friend knows... NOT GOOD but if you broke up with thema nd it's been a while... why should you care if you have moved on... but emotions are always hard to control... easy to say hard to do
Personally, I dont know if I'd be 100% okay with it.. But if it was the other way around? I could never allow myself to like or "pursue" an ex of my friend.. It wouldn't feel appropriate to me..But then a lot of variables are involved: how serious the relationship was, the timing, etc.. I'm glad I've never been in the situation.
it's a complicate issue. Although people said that after break up they will still be friends. I just don't believe that. There will be awkward momment and hard feelings. So don't come after your best friend ex if you don't want be an ex-best friends. Because there are things that people don't want to share. Ex: Denise Richard and Heather Lockear. But if your best friend is a reasonable person, you should drop some hint and ask them first before make your move