Hmm.. i know there's quite a few ones out there. But not sure which one is really good and really fast to burn movie onto a dvd disc. At the moment my laptop already has: Windows DVD Maker and Roxio and I installed Nero 7 and ConvertXtoDVD - which converts and burn for you. So which one out of all them I have is the best? If not them, then give me some advice.
mainly none of the software you listed above can just copy the dvd movie, you'll need anydvd for breaking the code, then you can use other program to convert and shrink the movie size.
best overall burning software i reckon is nero (i use nero 6 over 7) but converting i prefer to just use winAVI then burn with nero
hmm.. okay. Well i burnt 3 movies with nero - quite fast and easy to use i have tried the one that was already installed on my laptop which was Windows DVD Maker - it was alright, it made scences. But one problem is that when I played it on a DVD player the screen wasn't full size.. Im not sure if its supposed to be like that or ,, , , ? Oh yeh, and is there a software where you can burn .rm and .rmvb files without having to convert them by any chance?
you mean burn em straight to dvd as files? or burn em straight and play em on a dvd player? cause if you want to just burn to dvd to save for another time, then you just burn a data dvd, if you want to play in a dvd player (unless that player supports rm) you will have to convert
I meant burn them straight without having to convert then play staright onto a dvd player. but thank anyway. I'll just convert it to .avi and then burn it.
^nah she means playing them on a dvd player, without converting them which isnt possible unless the dvd player supports rm files