Bit confusing over the downloading of the software. The 1st time I have over 120,000+Mb. After removing it, I download for a 2nd time and I got 250Mb. Removed it again and download for a 3rd time, I got about 7Mb. Now, can someone please explain..................please........-rockon -rockon
can u be a bit more specfic what do u mean by u had 120,000MB or 250MB etc u wonderin y u hve that size, it depends on the torrent ur tryin to d/l, sizes vary
so u got this torrent that u ripped...the dl was completed?...then u ripped it again and got a different size?....cant really falla where ya coming from...
The actually bitcomet software should be only about 5 mb. you can get it from i recommend getting the older version .63 I've had many problems with the newer versions
i think bitcomet performance had drop..slower rate..azureus seems greater but i cant figure out how to maximise its capacity
Azureus has that stupid upload download ratio ( i upload but not as much as azureus want because I have a 20gb monthly limit), Bitcomet I find has best features, but it has some stability problem
Well i hadn't had any problems with 0.66 and my previous versions... I'm going to try this but bitcomet is usually small in size.
Well if ur onb about versions 0.60 is the best due to a bug hahaha as if u have a torrent from a private tracker 0.60 still connects to the DHT network to get seeds so u dont hve to go through the trouble registerin with the site and seed afterwards so u wont get banned for leechin too much
i never share anything and i've used them all with good results...the version of azareus i'm using is old and and it works perfectly.....too much crap in these new versions that i don't need..however..once tuned..azareus does perform quite well..but then again..depends on if ur machine is fucked...then any one of the torrent clients will act up...
Well fellas, you all have to try 0.67 and find out!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I am having 7.11Mb and am pretty please.............and I am in UK.
the bitcomet is around 5 mb, but the default download location is within the installed directory, so if you download a 1 GB item, the total space bitcomet takes up is 1.## GB
Try downloading the .68 version, I had many errors using .66 after a while but with version .68 everything seems to be running smooth.