RAinbow RAy!!! ultraman style~! Sorry just being lame... Well seeing as blue ray is still so new, i'd guess sony would want to play "monopoly" for a while besides, it'll take a few yrs before anything new i'm guessing. How big would the storage go next time... hmmmz... 300 gb XDXD can back up the computer with one disk or two
Who knows what's next.. But it will be some time before a company designs new technology which creates a newer, better movie experience on a disc.
^ well...... that is going to be quite hard within the gaming industry to introduce newer up-to-date graphic games...... disk technology will stick around for a very long time, and since blu-ray just started i expect it to run at least 10 years.... until a new standard comes out on an entirely different level...
not really the PSN store for ps3, XBA for xbox and Steam for PC is perfect examples of online distribution working for the gaming industry. As more and more people get broadband and broadband becomes faster, online becomes more and more viable. infact people are saying theres a decline in the pc gaming industry from retail sales, but steam say that online distribution is actually up also sony themselves said that the Disc-based delivery system will fall I also point to many TV companies now offer their content online so the way i see it, online is the next thing
Internet content downloading etc may be big but there will always be a new techonology to replace blu-ray whos going to sit there to download a 25gb blu-ray disc for Hdd when u can probably drive out 10 minutes to purchase one lolz. and with new tech coming out who knows how much the next disc/ w.e holds could be double or triple the blu-ray as dvd > blu-ray went up 21gb =\ i dont count hd-dvd since they lost the war haha