I think the woman should have been more concerned about her own psychiatric problems rather than trying to cure her daughters... :ugh2:
OMG the title reminds me of a Chinese horror back in the day where this guy was haunted and they were at the police station (i think) and he was at the kitchen and there was a large saucepan and lid.... and he was on his own as he was runnign away from the ghost and the pan & lid started rattling and a scary head popped out and he had to keep the lid shut hahaa
keep it face down *and i wonder.......what else did she put in it.......maybe she should've add some pig bone or something, then add some ramen to make a Jap style poor guy.........
Ages ago in Aust, a woman stabbed her husband x number of times, skinned him, cooked him and fed it to her children. Now that's sick
The couple then gave their 25-year-old daughter soup made from the man's head, and duck. i like how they had to add that they put duck in there .. like that even makes a difference when you read someone made soup with someone's head O.O
OMG,now we know how her girl has psychiatric problems(comes from the mum). a sane person would never have think like this and dare give it to her child that one is much more uke:
Maybe it was a special psychiatric gourmet recipe, that only she knew about because a little tiny voice from a secret transmitter in her skull, planted by the great chef of the future proletariat doctors has been telling her so, for a very, very long time... "cure... yes... mmm... head... mmm... with duck... mmm... mmm..." :nuts:
LOL your imagination of how to cook a man's head is wow. kind of scares me D: ughhh... freaking SICKK...... uke:
*vomit* its like one of those CAT3 Hong Kong films >.< where do they get the idea that it can cure?? >.< sick!!!