Bosco Wong Dated Three Women in 6 Months?

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    Above: Bosco Wong and mainland China costar, Liu Yan.

    Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) shocked the world after announcing his split with longtime girlfriend of 8 years, Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), in a radio interview with Eileen Cha (查小欣) last night. Although Bosco denied that a third party was involved, he hinted that it was Myolie’s decision to end their relationship. East Weekly even claimed that Bosco had 3 girlfriends in the last 6 months, taking advantage of their frequent long distance separation!

    Bosco’s infidelity rumors have been rampant since they decided to make their relationship public last year. At the promotional event for Ghetto Justice 2 <怒火街頭2> yesterday, Myolie did not directly respond to those rumors, but said “I was not involved with a third party on my end.” With such a cryptic response, could it be possible that Bosco really had cheated on Myolie?

    Bosco Takes Advantage of Long-Distance Relationship?

    Bosco and Myolie began dating after meeting on the set of Wars of In-Laws <我的野蠻奶奶> in 2004. For almost 8 years, Bosco and Myolie denied their high-profile dating rumors, although their relationship was a known public secret. Last November, Bosco and Myolie’s relationship was officially revealed after Myolie snatched the TVB Best Actress Award for her role in Curse of the Royal Harem <萬凰之王>.

    From December 2011 to June 2012, when Myolie was in mainland China filming for dramas, Jin Yu Man Tang <金玉滿堂> and La Ma Qiao Ba <辣媽俏爸>, Bosco was often caught partying in nightclubs. Allegedly, Myolie forgave Bosco initially, but after six months of Bosco consistently “breaking the rules,” Myolie decided that she could not handle it any longer, and chose to end their relationship.

    Bosco Dates 3 Women in 6 Months

    In February 2012, Bosco was spotted partying with friends in a Lan Kwai Fong nightclub. He was seen in the arms of an attractive woman, and they appeared to be whispering intimately with each other. After the incident was exposed, it was alleged that Myolie was very disappointed in Bosco, but she insisted on saying positive things about him in public. She sternly said, “I never meddled with his business. He can do whatever he wants. In this circle, the most important thing is popularity. It’s a good thing to be popular.” On Valentine’s Day, Bosco cooked a lavish dinner for Myolie to ask her for forgiveness.

    A person who knows Bosco personally said, “Bosco knows that Myolie is easy to please. Every time he gets in trouble, he can easily cajole Myolie with a few words. Because he thinks he has gotten her full trust, Bosco becomes more rough and extreme each time.”

    Using Three Cell Phones

    Learning his lesson from Lan Kwai Fong, Bosco allegedly switched to more “private” parties, targeting the clubs in Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay instead. The insider explained, “Bosco loves to drink, and once he does, he will not stop. Going to our private hang outs are safer because that way the press will not catch us so easily. Besides, the girls in these parties all have known backgrounds, unlike the random girls we would meet in in Lan Kwai Fong. One time, Bosco disappeared with a lengmo for almost an entire night! We all know she came with Wilson Chin (錢國偉), so even if something did happen between them, it could be easily handled.”

    The insider continued, “Also, Bosco uses three cell phones. One phone is for his family and Myolie, another is for work, and he always changes numbers for the last one. It’s convenient for him to not only pick up new girls, but avoid the old ones as well!”

    Rumors with Liu Yan

    According to East Weekly, Bosco and Myolie’s relationship grew rocky after being 6 months apart from each other. After returning to Hong Kong in June, Myolie wanted to use this chance to salvage their relationship. However, it was Bosco’s turn to leave for the mainland China, as he had signed on to film the mainland drama, The Woman Above the Bed Tree <麵包樹上的女人>.

    Not long after leaving Hong Kong, Bosco and his busty mainland costar, Liu Yan’s (柳岩) romantic rumors started. Sharing many intimate scenes in the drama, it was reported that Bosco and Liu Yan grew close, and the two were allegedly caught dancing together in a nightclub. Allegedly, Bosco and Liu Yan’s flirtatious habits were well known among The Woman Above the Bread Tree’s production staff. Allegedly, one crew member, who knew Myolie well, alerted her of Bosco’s behavior.

    Allegedly, Myolie could not stand Bosco’s flirtatious ways any longer and finally decided to end their relationship in June. Another insider close to Bosco said that the couple broke up once before in 2009, but they quickly reconciled their relationship.

    Bosco is a Professional Flirt?

    In 2004, Bosco and Myolie began dating after working together in TVB drama, Wars of In-Laws. After 8 years of dating, many say that their relationship reached the stage of marriage! However, many rumors continued to plague their relationship. Some insiders remarked that Myolie was too controlling, while others expressed that Bosco’s flirtatious nature is the reason the relationship’s downfall.

    Natalie Tong (唐詩詠) – 2006

    Reports say that while collaborating in TVB drama, The Seventh Day <最美麗的第七天>, Bosco was seen taking advantage of Natalie. He allegedly would hold onto Natalie’s hand and brush over her chest. When filming a raining scene together, Bosco gave Natalie ginger tea to keep her warm.

    Fala Chen (陳法拉) – 2007

    On the set of Moonlight Resonance <溏心風暴之家好月圓>, Bosco and Fala allegedly exchanged frequent crude jokes with each other during break time. Bosco also gave Fala rides home.

    Elva Ni (倪晨曦) – 2008

    As a guest performer for the 2008 Miss Toronto Chinese Pageant, Bosco met Elva Ni. He praised her beauty and even managed to get her phone number. Elva also posted an intimate photo of her and Bosco on Facebook, in which he pair hugged closely.

    Toby Leung (梁靖琪) – 2009

    Bosco and Toby portrayed husband and wife in Growing Through Life <摘星之旅>. When filming in Shenzhen, insiders reported that they often called each other husband and wife behind the cameras, and revealed that they often “went missing” during filming breaks.

    Bosco’s Female Assistant – 2011

    Last year, Bosco and Myolie went to mainland China together to film drama, Racecourse <跑馬場>. During the course of filming, Myolie returned to Hong Kong briefly for a promotional event. Bosco, who was still in China, often chatted with his female assistant through Weibo. His female assistant also intimately called Bosco, “Bo Bo Gor.”

    Bosco Denies Third Party Involvement

    TVB executive, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), scanned a copy of East Weekly’s inflammatory report regarding Bosco’s alleged infidelity and sent it to him. He stated that he has only seen the headlines and abstract of the article that Ms. Lok had sent, but did not read the contents in their full length.

    In his Commercial Radio interview with Eileen Cha, Bosco denied East Weekly’s wild claims and said that there was no third party involved in his breakup with Myolie Wu. Furthermore, he claimed that he had only filmed for two days with the alleged mainland costar, Liu Yan cited in East Weekly’s report.

    Accused of having an affair with Bosco, Liu Yan spoke with the Oriental Daily, “There is no such thing! I only had a cameo role in The Woman Above the Bread Tree, appearing in three episodes. I do not know the other cast members that well! It is all fabricated nonsense! I only have a professional working relationship with Bosco. I do not even have his phone number and we do not follow each other’s Weibo blogs either!”

    Creds: East Weekly/Oriental Daily
  2. onni

    onni Well-Known Member

    noooooooo, Bosco can't be with this girl!!!
  3. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    Who can blame him? He was dating myolie.....I wouldve done the same.....
  4. tvbfansi

    tvbfansi Well-Known Member

    He is a GArfield...big eater.

    “Bo Bo Gor.” wah...script character -lol
  5. [​IMG]
    Cor Gor couldn't resist:trollface2:
  6. tvbfansi

    tvbfansi Well-Known Member

    Rowl!..............I am a man eater