>.<Sigh. Lately i've came to a realization that my bf would constantly choose his boys over me when it comes to quality time. This has became a major issue with me because it annoys the shits out of me. I've confronted to him about it but yet he still hasn't change. It's not that I don't want him hanging out with his boys, it's just that there is so limited time given to me that I think i deserve a whole lot more. HELP ME! in need of advices. thank you.
how much more do you need? i think it's all subjective .. what seems limited to you may be all the time for your bf.
lol how much TLC do you expect from him? i mean if hes like gone for days then maybe i would get it, otherwise let him have his free time i mean he cant be with you every hour of the day
okay, he's in the army, so when he comes back for like 3 days, he doesnt even hang out with me. i think out of the 3 days he gave me only 3 hours within that 24 hours X 3 day period.
not to be mean but your the only person in his life, at least he is visiting, i mean hes in the army give him a break hes protecting your country, isnt that already enough if you think of it that hes protecting you -_-
Not really siding with anyone right now but with so little contact, it's difficult for changes to happen. I think he should spend at least one day with you but that's just my 2cents... Different people have different priorities and views towards relationships... my ex prioritized education over relationships but we definitely loved each other deeply. Instead of trying to change him, have you tried joining him on his outings? If it's an all guys thing, do his boys have gfs? How about using one of the days for a couples day?
yeah kind of go on a double date or something ya know? that way he can spend time with his guys and with you
if thats the case sit down with him and talk about it because if hes spending this little time with you, that means your relationship isnt gonna progress so set up a time at some coffee shop or w/e and talk about it or if you want to be private do it at one of your houses, wherever you feel you have privacy
No offence, but sounds like your bf doesn't really enjoy spending time with you, that's why he'd rather allocate more time in the 3 days for his buddies... HMM. Have you thought about the time that you spent together? Is it enjoyable, or do you spend those 3 hours arguing?
wth?? 3 hours? come on... not even a whole evening/night seriously....id expect my bf to spend at least one day with me... u confronted him and what did he say? if he doesnt wanna spend more time with u and ur not satisfied with it id say stop asking for it and tell him to beat it -pirate
^ahah that is what most girls would expect of their bfs, but yeah angie is right he should at least spend more time with you during those 3 days
lol! abusing his space? its his own time and he should be able to choose what he wants to do with it. If he doesn't want to spend his time with you, then that is his own choice. The best thing you can do is tell him how you feel, and if he agrees and does actually care about you, he will give you more of his time. if he shrugs you off then you probably need to find a new boyfriend; one who can better serve your needs.
i confronted this issue to my bf before, in the first couple of days after the confrontation he'll manage to give me some time which im really happy. but after that he's back to his normal self. the 3 hours dat we do spend with each other its very memorable and enjoyable, even he doesn't want to let me go home. but he just seems like a different person once we separate and do our own things in life...
pffff...its kinda stupid... if he enjoys being with u how come he doesnt want to see u more often and make more time for u... i wouldnt be happy with it and probably break up with the guy if im not pleased with it... i mean come on... he should be wanting to see u more too...this is not normal
This is weird then... if the 3 hours u spent are enjoyable and memorable, then why won't he want to spend more time with you? Try reverse psychology with him. Don't keep asking him to spend more time with you. Instead, say that you are busy one of the days where he's supposed to spend 3 hours with you, then see what's his response. Tell him you don't have time to spend time with him for that 3 days... If he really loves you, he'll for sure miss you for that 3 days and will try to spend more time with you the next time he gets the chance.
i know the way you feel, being with someone you love/like a lot... you just want to be with them, even if it is cuddle in front of the tele or having a nap together or go out on a date. but boys have a saying... "bros before hoes" though my boyfriend said that to me, i punched him for calling me a hoe, and he never used that line again. you need to make it clear though that you deserve more time, even if you express it to him, try being a little more harsh, its YOUR happiness here. say something like "everytime you come back, your out with your friends and you see me for what...3 hours! I'm so sick of it, I constantly tell you how i feel about it, and it feels like you just shrug it off, let it go through one ear and out the other. Your probably not even listening right now! I love/like you very much but I don't know if I can take always being 2nd place to your friends, I don't mind you hanging out with them, but at least let me take even a DAY from your ever so busy THREE day plan with your friends." Something along those lines anyway lol. x
u gotta be kidding me...ur bf said that in ur face... omg...? I mean it would have imaginable if hed say it when he was with his friends but...damn...
if to me...i will also hang out with my fren n let him feel how was ur feeling... sometime they will promise without doing it. the only way u can communicate with him is ... Let Him Feel How was ur Feeling
lol he said it to his friend whilst i was there, but i knew it was their saying for "hing dais for life" thing, lol, he knows im incharge anyway lol.