I recently got dumped, it left me a little bitter. Thought id share a few poems i wrote to express the way i was feeling. I often find writing about it often helps me move on. the Bitterness of Rejection Nothing can hide the pain i feel inside With each rejection another piece of me dies Dead behind the eyes, fearing loneliness, afraid of the darkness How much can a heart take before it shatters like glass Rejection from love, rejection from friendship, rejection for being me Bitterness for you not seeing in me the man i wanted to be Moment of happiness When you left me you said goodbye When you left me you made me smile A moment of happiness as we parted How would I know that a moment we shared would be the last A moment with you that will forever be the past Feeling the Fool A heart that is uncontrolable to choose Caring for you without a question Hiding from me the secrets of your heart Did you ever care for me or am I the fool i knew from the beginning but I know you wouldnt admit if i asked Feeling the fool for allowing myself to feel like this about you
thats rele gd but like they say the best work always come from ur real emotions. just like the best songs come when ppl have actually experienced what they were feeling.
lol, that was about when we last met up. because she told me how she couldnt wait til we met again, i went home happy cos i couldnt wait to see her again, not knowing she was just pretending. i guess they make more sense to me than they would to people reading them, i dunno.-unsure
yeah ive moved on now, she's not worth getting upset over. Writing down how i feel helped me work things out in my head. It did make me feel more hurt when i found out the reason she dumped me was because she found someone else , but oh well. Im sure someone will snap me up soon enough haha
haha, well it would be good to date someone who actually knew what i was talking about when i mention some of my fav movies, rather than them just look in puzzlement lol but i have no preference, if your hot, i'll date you, chinese or not -tongue2
chinese doesnt mean they watch those movies wo && yeah...like my girl bb suggested....lotsa hotties on tha ads from the PA sponsors puahaha
never said she had to be chinese to like those movies, i never said i was looking to date anyone either -tongue2 how old are you and BB? lmao
yeah, converting seems the only way to go lol. i struck gold with you two then, a 85 year old, and a girl with a 12 year olds mind... lucky me
i reckon my babes BB is the hottest 85y/o ive ever seen though... hey lee u remind me of someone called lee!!! PUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHAAAHAHHHAHA ur from UK so u should remember "steps" puaahhahahahhahahahahhahaaha =X sorry