Brief summary of "The Academy"?

Discussion in 'On The First Beat - 學警出更' started by lucky candy, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. lucky candy

    lucky candy New Member

    Can somebody tell me a brief summary of "The Academy"?
    I like watchin' "On the First Beat", but sometimes i get confuse with the flashbacks.
    Thanks in advance. :D
  2. sillierabbit

    sillierabbit Well-Known Member

    Uh lol I'll try to make this long series short. Basically Ron goes to police school because he wants to hurt/embarass/wutever one of the instructors there. This instructor is a old school friend of his mom and Ron doesn't like his mom to date other people cause he believes his mom and his dad can get back together even though Ron's dad cheated on his mom. Anyways, in that story, Ron and Sammul kind of meet up in school and obviously have some kind of rivalry since both are smart and etc etc. Along the way, Fiona plays a rich girl who relies too much on her rich family to get where she needs and is initially shunned by the other female cadets. Soon however, she changes her rich views and realizes that being rich and being able to buy expensive things arn't important. She and Sammul also like each other but through the series they each have small problems ... i.e. Sammul doesn't open up or Fiona thinks Sammul is an ass for turning down an expensive gift (she bought it for him).

    Ron in the beginning before he joins the cadet school catches a crook in action, who happens to be Tavia's younger brother in the series. Tavia is looking for a job and takes a job replacing one of the canteen ladies at the cadet school cause the canteen lady is pregnant. There she obviously meets Ron and doens't like him for catching her crook of a brother. Things start out wrong like Ron accuses her of stealing his phone and she plays a lot of tricks on Ron in the school that gets him in trouble with the instructor.

    The instructor played by Michael Miu is also very mean and strict and not forgiving unlike another squads instructor, but he does it to help the squad out. He makes them drill all the time etc etc, hes typically very mean but deep down he is okay. Anyways, at the very last couple chapters, Sammul and Ron become friends, Ron + Tavia, Sammul + Fiona, are all good and everyone likes Michael Miu's instructor character. Ron manages to win the best police cadet award or something. But at the same time, Michael Miu character dies in the end because there was a criminal from his past that came back to Hong Kong. So Michael Miu chases after this old criminal who killed some of his buddies in the past and he kills the crook but ends up dying as well.

    I forgot to mention that Sammul lives with Michael Miu in the series as well. Sammul's mom use to date the police instructor way before. And it wasn't till the very end that Michael Miu finds out that OMG OMG that Sammul is his BIOLOGICAL SON. But before he gets to talk to him about it, you guessed it, he dies. The series ends with everyone graduating, and all the relationships are good, Ron has matured, Sammul knows his past, everyone has a gf, etc etc. LOL this took way too long. Hit the THANKS button if you read this.