FireFox? IE? Netscape? I use and have been using firefox for the past year now and i must say i am loving it. Even though i had popup blockers, i would get a ton of popups with IE. Since i made the switch to Firefox, no pops at all! So much better. Although, don't rule out microsoft. The bastards were smart in their implementation of IE. If one wants to remove IE, they can't, as they need if for the automatic updates. So if you switch to an alternate browser, you still need to keep IE around. Also, have yourself a good Anti-virus/Firewall/Spybot and Ad-aware. Knoc
I'm using firefox, works well...I'm still using IE because some sites does not support firefox I use spybot and webroot <-- I dunno how can I stress this, but they are the best combo! webroot can detect lots of spys which the others can't...they actually had an article on that...webroot was all the way to the right, while the others were all the way to the left (if u get what i mean)
is webroot a freeware? or is it pay software? CAuse i been using adaware PE. ITs not the greatest.. not the worst. .but better then nothing... =\ I have ive had the world record for most brutal spyware attack. I had a time when a pop up for a online casino come up non stop... you know how they have those annoying websites that shoot popups at you until your windows overloads and freezes? Thats basically what it is was... it was quite strange. Cause im thinking they would throw 1or2 popups at you then go away but still :|
im using mozilla firefox... itz very good.. no popups at all...and pages load very quick too compare to explorer as for spy programs i use ad-aware , spybot -search and destroy, and spy sweeper.
i have no problem with IE, ive tried thos external software but aint so comfortable with them so i love IE\
moki try Maxthon. its IE based so its not too different. i used maxthon for the longest time, and hated the switch to firefox. i just use it cuz it has a good ad blocker. i mean firefox is alright, i just dont like the fact that i have to use IE to view some pages.
oh and also, do you guys find that sometimes pictures take forever to load. and when they do, some of them only load like 1/4? for firefox that is
yeah..unfortunately one gets a few limitations with firefox...but i've been able to get pass those with extension..the only reason i keep IE around is that one needs it in order to get the automatic updates....hmph...
yea? only for updates? you dont use it to see if the page is not being displayed properly? cuz i have to use IE to get the imagestation uploader thing. if i use firefox, the option isnt even there and i have to upload each file manually. if i didnt check, i would have just assumed that they took down that option
Re: Browser. what...u have trouble gettin gmail with fine for me..however...there has been some reported issues with the old firefox..i suggest gettin their latest version...tell me how it goes...
Re: Browser. yea i already got their latest one. but i think someone is wrong with something. i dont know. my dad uses IE on his comp and he has the same issues as me. he can only get into his account once in a while.
Re: Browser. my cousin had that same problem....turns out that a virus scan and spybot and ad-aware run fixed it.....hmph....
Re: Browser. interesting. are you saying that already..since my format last month, i already have crap on this comp?