During the holidays, my mom always burns paper money on the front porch in this huge trash can with a lid. I figured it was okay since she made it relatively safe and since she was exercising her freedom of religion. I got a call from my father a few minutes ago telling me that my neighbors called the fire department on us and made my mother put it out with water (they've threatened to call them before). My neighbors (kids) complained that the smoke was entering their home and giving them asthma (>.>) but they're just picking on my mother while I'm not home. Why is illegal for my mom to burn paper in a metal trash can but not for my neighbors to barbecue on the front porch? Any way I can use freedom of religion on the fire fighter crew next time? Any help appreciated. Thanks~
Well to be technical, one of them is on fire creating smoke The other one is cooking and createing good smell... LoL But I understand what you mean... is this like an apartment or a house?
pack of thousands for the dead.-rockon anyways i guess its just not in norm for people to be doing this (i know my mom did it before) people dont get the point when bbq is widely accepted and its easier for people to overlook.
should do it in the backyard next time,and make sure that there is always someone attending the fire. better to be safe than sorry. i'm glad i dun practice those kinds of stuff. lol
This was done on the front porch of a row house while my mother attended to it. She usually burns a bit at a time, so it's typically a tiny flame at the bottom of the metal trash can. The neighbor kids only realized what was in the trash can when they snuck a peek when my mom ran in the house to grab something. I understand that it's not a typical thing, what i don't understand is when you TELL government officials it's a RELIGIOUS practice and they don't care.
I was so worry about that practice before but now, not anymore. As long as you're careful and attending to the fire within your vicinity, the fire fighter can't put it out. It's against the law for intruding on practicing religion ...after all freedom of religion is part of the Bill of Rights. If they do intrude, then you can sue them and even your neighbor for discrimination and all. Come on .. it's like telling those muslim women, you can't cover your head and face because we need to know whether you're a terrorist or not even though their practice doesn't cause any harm to others .. know what I mean? I do understand what you're saying but don't worry to much. I have the same problem with my neighbor now. It's a bit different from yours. They complaint that my laundry dryer exhaust is blowing right to their door so I have to reroute or they will block it. It's been there for over 30 years, not something new so they just making trouble. I spoke to the police friend who told me to not do anything and ignore it. If they touch the vent, then call the police and they will be charged for vandalism. I also checked w/ the local planning bureau and stuff .. My point is that .. if they want to change anything .. pay up and if they wanna sue me, the burden of proof is on them .. why should I worry about it. The same w/ your situation .. if they take you to court then let it be .. they gotta prove to the court that they're suffering because of your mom's practice. I don't supposed your mom burn night and day so once a while is no reason and can even work against them for wasting gov resources. but if you sue them, you have a more legit reasons .. know what i mean but then you have to provide the burden of proof (which can mean lots of $$$ spent). Bottom line .. do things as usual .. don't worry about anything else and keep the fire under control. This is the US .. if you're afraid of bitch and asshole neighbors, then I don't think you can live anywhere else.
well .. i know what you're saying but any passerby who sees that an unattended fire would be concern regardless how long your mom was gone .. 10 or 30 sec .. know what i mean? it's common sense .. i would do so too if i see something is burning yet no one is around. if you're referring to the neighbor complaining about asthma and shit, that you can fight for .. not this though.
Not really...I don't think I'd be alarmed if I saw a flame next to a bunch of ceremonious items. I'd considered someone like that ignorant. Also, no one passing by could "see" the flame. It was in a large metal trash can with a lid slightly opened. So now, as someone walking by, I'd see a bunch of ceremonious items, some smoke coming from a large metal can, and the owner's house door open. Also, the fire fighters did not mention anything about how my mother needed to attend to the fire doing whatever she was doing, but that she merely HAD to put it out.
Perhaps you won't call but does that mean others wouldn't do so? At least I would. So what if there are ceremonious items out there and the door is opened .. no one is tending to the fire or smoke. If I am a White dude and have no clue about your practice, all I see is someone dumped trash everywhere and burning them. The door left open don't mean a thing .. "WHAT IF .. your mom went into the house and has a heat stroke, heart attacks .. you know .. possible bad things .. keep in mind, it doesn't take hours to set the place on fire .. Frankly, no offense here but to try to talk your way out of unattended fire is stupid .. regardless of the reasons you have .. no one will care to listen.
having practiced this tradition before, i don't recall the fire being so enormous as to raise concerns...... also, i usually practice this at a temple, which would reduce the chances of other people getting alarmed
It doesn't matter if the fire is big or small .. the fact that something's burning and it's unattended raised enough concern to call the Fire dept. If I own a house next door, then all I care is my home. I don't give a damn about your religion.
do it in the back yard, if you in a non asian neighborhood they will look at you funny and think your playing with fire-lol my mom makes me do this for her during new years and its so cold in FEB too ! :( as for the safety issue if you got the red bin that they traditionally use theres usually a lid once you done just lid it and every thing is fine.
lol so up tight i do understand your position though. anyways, i'd like to shift this debate a little... you'd figure that in the afterlife, there is no such thing as materialistic needs. what use would they have with money, (some even burned a mercedes) hence, why i don't follow that specific tradition any longer.
I'll accept your argument when the tiny flame blasts out of the huge metal can, through the lid, across the cement and into your home. -mellow