hello guys, i need ya help... right now, im working on a school project about filesharing. its like a dissertation and im doing this survey to analyse the effect of filesharing. edit: omg since there arent enough space for the question..... again: You watched a Movie/listened to a song. It really impressed you and you really liked it, would you buy that CD/DVD if you already had it on your hard drive? plz contribute !! btw: plixxx dun move this thread to the "homework"-section, cuz there are more ppl around the lounge i really need the numers... thanks a looottt ~
If I really like the movie... I'd buy it... ex. Casino Royale ... Song, if it's available via iTunes, or similar, I'd buy it... otherwise, I dunno if I'd go out of the way to ship the entire album from overseas unless I like the album...
No need to waste money. If I like the song, I would dl it and put it in my mp3 player. For movie, if I really like it, I would just burn it into dvd and watch whenever I want.
I buy Cd's 99% of the time if i like the album. but movies, i don't see the point cause i only watch 'em once I sound like I'm contradicting myself =S
Back in the days, we'll buy a movie or cd w/o knowing if it's actually good sometimes and I regret buying some of it, so now I'll watch it and listen to it and if I find it to be good, I'll buy it if the price is right.
i don't buy movies, since i don't even watch movies. only on the rare occasion that i go out to actually see a movie in theaters. drama on the other hand... well that can be downloaded. also I don't mind having to watch it on my computer, in fact i can convert it and watch it on tv with the tv-out capability from my phone... etc. as for music... well only if i really really really like the album. but now i still find downloading a lot more useful. before i would buy the album because i didn't want to burn a copy on to CD to listen in the car (cheap 啊嘛...) but now i can just use the fm transmitter from my phone to listen to music... basically there is no reason for me to buy cds or dvds now and i 99.99% use file sharing (whether p2p or ddl). does this help at all? =P
The movies and CD's are just way to expensive, if they lowered the prices I may reconsider. Otherwise, I'm going to stick with downloading.
Yes i will buy the movie if i really,really like it but a copy one Never bought an original one,the copy one is easily available and 10times cheaper
I have never bought a music CD in my life... no joke. Movies are a bit different. I have a tendency to buy movies that i think are really good. Some of the films i've purchased are The Animatrix, the Matrix Trilogy, Dark Knight, Iron Man, Casino Royale etc. The advent of Blu-Ray also makes buying movies a bit more appealing to me. Downloading a bluray film is like a 10 gig affair and its not worth my time, so i'd much rather just go out and spend the 20 bucks or so to pick up the actual disc. I think bluray will help the industry out alot, just because even with really good broadband, it consumes too much time and HDD space to download them. People have a tendency to go out of their way to purchase a premium product and generally don't mind spending the extra money. As long as Sony keeps marketing bluray as a premium product i think it will encourage sales amongst people who would normally pirate a film. Of course, a bad movie is still a bad movie, and i won't buy it whether its on bluray or not, hell, i won't even dl it for free if its not worth my time.
umm...with mooosic it depends really...if its someone im not too sure about it then i'll d/l it 1st and if good then buy....but if its a band i ubbbbber like id buy it....^^.. flicks.....i watch it in the cinemas or wait for it to be ubbbber cheap on dvd and then buy it... or just wait for my friend to d/l it and pass it to meeee..... good luck with your hmwk