California allows college aid to illegal immigrants

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by negiqboyz, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I came across this article just now.

    The governor basically signed a bill that allows illegal immigrants access to the state college financial aid. WTF ... most illegal immigrants don't pay taxes .. why the hell do we have to pay for their schooling; not to mention that most "illegal" immigrants are Mexican that have lots of kids .. OMFG ... especially when California is in such deficit; the governor has the audacity to pass such a pathetic bill. It's time for a recall in CA.
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Damn this is fucking bullshit theres tons of legal citizens that are having trouble financially to pay for college and illegal immigrants are getting financial aid (like thousands of $ per semester/quarter btw)? Lol its like our huge deficit is not enough they have to dig a deeper hole wtf. What the hell are they thinking!
  3. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    :facepalm:.. I need my financial aid.. :tear:
  4. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Illegal immigrants.. arrest them!
  5. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ur illegal?
  6. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    I am so glad I moved out of of the reasons why I left...too many illegals!
  7. Aaron

    Aaron Well-Known Member

    OT. Pretty bs really, sorta like whats happening in HK with the maids getting the right to apply for permanent HK citizenship. Just going to ask for welfare checks and sit in a McD's with a coffee all day and take up space :facepalm:
  8. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    uhm... you are fcking ignorant if you don't think illegals pay ANY taxes... illegals pay taxes... sales taxes anyone? what about the taxes on your cell phone bills? yup they pay those too, and the cable bill? yup... etc... the only taxes that theoretically they don't pay (which some do, not all) is income tax essentially... and since they're getting the low paying jobs, their taxes would be the lowest tax bracket...

    secondly, the bill allows illegals to only gain financial aide AFTER every legal student that meets requirements get it... the set amount of financial aide + the requirements that were to be given to legal students was set BEFORE the bill was signed...

    think about what you essentially are saying regarding this bill... ur bitching and moaning because these "illegals" that are working below minimum wage jobs that would only get taxed 10%-15% of income(essentially the main tax that you are all thinking about) are getting help getting their kids through college... you know how many illegals actually get a chance at college? it's a lot less than you think... do you even know how much of that income that isn't taxed, is spent on goods in the US which ARE taxed just like everyone else? or on rent? or on utilities here in the US?

    Granted yes, some of that money goes back to mexico, or vietnam, or the philippines, or china, or whatever... but if you kick out the 30-50million illegals in the US the economy WILL be hit hard...

    So guess what? the illegals pay for your fcking college education as well... only they have to spend most of their income on surviving(which are taxed from sales taxes) while they're working at $6hr, and your fat ass is eating McD's playing with ur new iPhone 4S thinking ur high and mighty because you pay income tax and have the ability to spend a lesser percentage of your income on surviving...

    am i suggesting illegal immigration is cool? no... I'm saying you ignorant fcks should think b4 you speak about how entitled your ass should be... the Declaration says all men are created equal and all men have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... never does it say all citizens...
  9. they steal cable.. steal cars.. and steal jobs.. they got no taxes to pay..
  10. Time they cut this niggas fin. aid so he can't pay for the samsung bill lol..

    meanwhile.. jorge just copped a new macbook pro.. :trollface:
  11. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    yes because they're illegal there's no way ANY of them are law abiding aside from the illegal citizen part right? there's no way they'd do well in school right? o, that illegal kid at Fresno state probably cheated his way into becoming student body president right?

    they don't "steal" jobs... do you wanna get paid minimum wage for washing toilets and dishes? do you see a line of ppl asking for applications to be the dish washer at your local chinese restaurant? you wanna get paid $8.00 working ppls yards? how bout $8.00 picking fruit and veggies?
  12. go support immigrants in your own country.. we don't condone that kinda shit 'round here.. :trollface:
  13. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i'm not ignorant just saying that of all the damn states cali do not have the fucking funds to push forward this bill. The thing i don't know is can these illegal immigrants get naturalized at all or are they required to be in that state cause if they can go to college they have the ability to test and actually get naturalized and receive aid like everybody else. Your last line is kinda funny to me if everybody is created equal then why are the middle class denied financial aid when they barely even make enough to put their children through college etc. If its all balance and great then yeah but there are plenty of people who work their ass off to get through college some their parents make them but some actually need that money.

    Although i don't know immigration laws and all that shit i think there definitely should be some things citizens are entitled too vs non citizens because whats the damn point if everyone is "equal." lol if they can pay for cell phone and cable (two things that one especially poor can live without) etc they are not that poor, my uncles sponsor their uncle from another country and it took 11 fuckin years for them to get here and that guy wasn't getting that social security benefit until he gets naturalized which takes 5 years and a test that they won't even understand and thats how you become a legal immigrant! I understand why people are mad its good for immigrants but our state at the current state it's in can't really afford to do this shit. College tuition is raised every fucking year etc for the people who pay for it and now everyone see that illegal immigrants can get aid for free of course they are pissed.

    I know that illegal immigrants come here for a reason etc their country was shit but damn if the requirements are the same for them to get financial aid as legal citizens etc then whats the point? Hows it fair to the people who spent thousands waiting 11 fucking years to get here only to wait 5 more to get naturalized in order to enjoy federal and some state benefits etc.
  14. all they do is come here.. have a bunch of kids when they're young.. live off welfare.. get shitty jobs.. then form unions to get better wages. Their kids grown up to be gang bangers.. driving around without license and killing people in auto accidents. Then what happens.. they get deported back to their country.. and try to illegally migrate back.. and the whole process starts over.. in the circle.. of life.. and it moves us all.. through despair and hope..
  15. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    You're so great and intelligent, why don't you fucking take them in and pay for their college education.

    Until you have a family and kids to feed and shit, then you come and tell me if it's fair that your tax dollar is spent on illegal immigrants when middle income family can't even afford to send their kids through college without taking out huge loans. You don't even fucking own a home or have any kids so you're sitting on your fucking high horse talking shit.

    I don't oppose these ppl getting a chance at education but that should come from private donors and/or whomever; not a legislative bill that grants them full right. That's just WRONG.

    Sales taxes and all that shits are nothing. Income taxes .. I didn't say all but most don't pay .. and even if they paid, they eventually get a large chunk back anyway. Jobs .. yeah low paying ones .. what do you expect? high paying for being illegal???

    Do you even know what CA public colleges are like now? Tuition hikes and shortages of classes?? Our deficit is so high, God knows when if we ever gonna be back like yesteryear.
  16. hey i'm from Canada can i get some aid?
  17. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    you can now .. just sneak over the border and get your free education.
  18. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    Illegals currently have NO WAY to legalize beyond getting married or sponsored by
    a legal family member... There was the dream act that would have helped legalize the,
    approximated 6,000 undocumented college students, but that failed because republcians
    are fcking stupid... everyone cries about illegals not paying their fair share... OK,
    why not fcking legalize them and MAKE them pay their fair share and what they owed

    regarding the middle class financial aide bit, think of it this way bro, these ppl are
    already living from next months pay check to next months paycheck... helping them out
    with financial aide would essentially put them at the same level playing field as the
    middle class, that's the point of financial aide, so ppl will all have the same chance
    to succeed... just because their college is paid for, they still gotta work their asses
    off to pay for survival...(btw, I don't rly believe in financial aide or the minimum wage
    for that matter, but that's a different discussion all together)

    The definition of poverty is different for everyone... obviously the line has to change with the changing of times... while it is true that poverty level in the US could easily mean middle if not even upper class in Mexico, that doesn't mean we have to set the same standard as Mexico... standard of living is measured across the entire spectrum, it doesn't start after poverty... in the case of the US, stuff like internet and having a cell phone is still within the confines of poverty... it's not like all illegals are rich and are carrying iPhone 4S' or Galaxy sII's... (don't even go there Ecko)

    California's debt problems are NOT solely based on illegal immigration, it's not even the
    biggest reason... part of it is because of property taxes, because property taxes tanked based
    on legislation and because of the housing collapse + the fact that California runs on a
    massively steep income tax(meaning they depend on the rich and corporations to pay for everything), when the economy tanks this hard, we're gonna be in a deficit... illegals or not... Plus California
    legislature spend like crazy... do you really want to kick out the undocumented kids in college
    that could potentially help the economy if given the chance? or actually give them that chance?

    And I never said it was fair to those that came here legally(completely different discussion
    for later if you like), right now we're talking bout these kids in college getting funds, the kids
    we're talking about going through college never had a choice about whether or not they were
    coming or going... remember, these kids have to have been here when they're atleast 15...
    these kids also must have had good grades... how you gonna do that being gang bangers?

    Ecko's just bein a d-bag bout it ... we're here talkin' bout the good kids trying to get through
    school, the 3.0gpa minimum kids in college... and he's tryin to get all stereotypical like the
    troll he is... Newsflash you ignorant d-bags, all the colleges in Cali support this bill... this bill
    has to still get the OK from the UC regents... which it probably will get OK'd...
  19. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^the thing i wonder is that if the bill also apply to those kids who enter in community colleges etc cause they get financial aid too and community college accept almost everyone no matter their gpa and they probably don't require SAT scores etc. The thing about the middle class is they are also constantly struggling to pay for all their kids college fund etc its like if you reach a certain amount of income you don't qualify and since inflation. its harder and harder. I understand financial aid pay for the lower class to give their kids a chance but still if the requirements are the same then whats the point of going the extra mile and becoming legal. They at least have to require more or something.

    And its fucking stupid to not be able to become natural citizens i mean even if you live here 20 years? The thing is yeah they might not contribute to our debt problems now but realize that college lasts for at least 4 years and to get all that paid and they might not even get a job when they come out because college degrees are such a norm now so it would still take a while for them to give back anything to the state at least in the form of income etc. Its kinda ridiculous if you think about it as four year college programs have liberal study requirements in their cirriculum to socialize students but they can never become naturalize citizens?
  20. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    hey you want illegals to pay the income tax? sure, legalize them... sales taxes are shit? ask the canadians how they feel bout sales tax... I know what it's like getting my own ass through college right now... I know what it's like, having to live with 3 other guys in a room w/ no AC above an apartment with 12 indians in a 2bedroom apartment eating up all the hot water... I know what it's like living off of little ceasers for months at a time... you wanna give me shit for living the college life right now when you paid 2/3's less than we did when u went to college? it's your fcking generation that fcked Cali over, not the illegals... yeah lets lower fcking property taxes, ride the housing wave and hope the tech bubble continues to grow... YAY~!!!!

    O wait, I KNOW, lets fcking spend more on state prisons than on state education... yeah GJ fcking morons... yes because california would rather spend $7billion fcking dollars to renovate prisoners' beds then help pay for 6,000 undocumented students to get a college degree, then help them find a way to use the knowledge to generate more revenue right? yeah, how bout you set ur priorities straight first instead of taking it out on the kids that actually deserve a chance at life?