Call to replace all US Congress incumbents

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by ab289, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    I'm so sick of Washington; it is so messed up with their partisan politics. I think the public needs to replace each and every congressman/woman. They are all there to represent their constituents; do what's right for the American public. Instead, each and everyone of them are so obsessed with their own political parties, political seats in congress and special interests lobbyists that can contribute tons of money to their campaign that they are failing their job as a representative sent by the American citizens.

    So, here's a call to replace each and every incumbent in congress; vote for a different person. And if in 4 years, the new person doesn't truly represent the public's interest, vote a new person in.

    Now, before the strict left or strict right says this is politically motivated, let me say this. I'm NOT in any way politically motivated. If you are a Republican, you are more than welcome to continue to vote for a Republican; but vote for a new candidate, new face, new name to the seat. And so goes for the Democrats.
  2. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I say get rid of the party thing altogether. As long as the party exist, we will always end up with the same probs regardless of the changes - people, practice, etc.