Sometimes. The lies I usually tell are harmless. Like if my parents were to ask me how fast I drove to their house, I'd say that I drove 50 mph rather than the usual 75 mph. Or, if my friends ask me if I like their new shoes, clothes, car, whatever.... even if I don't like it, I'd say it's all right. [FONT="] [/FONT]
If it does not affect anyone. But, if you keep on telling minor lies, they eventually add up and others would question whether you're trustworthy.
lol,your title reminds me of essays i did back in high school 'Can war ever be justified?' Back to the title,if it doesn't hurt anybody,sure,it is justified but if the person lie continuously,then he's a bad ass
Lying is always justified; to save a life, to make some money, to get over on a chick, to shift the blame onto someone else, et cetera. It's the rationale or motivations behind the justification rather, that should be put under the microscope. Truth can likewise be also used to ill or harmful effect; eg yes, you really are ugly, no I really didn't have an orgasm and I never did with you in all the years we've been married; et cetera, ad infinitum et nauseam.
a lie is a lie, two forms of it. white lie, regarded as a lie that has minor negative aims true lie, negative aims. my thoughts of it.
there is the big old bad lies = they are bad full stop. then there are the nice shiny lil white lies that everyone loves, they are the small ones we tell to get ourselves out of tight situations and other selfish reasons, who needs discretion when you can just lie..i mean tell a white lie.
its justified if it doesn't harm anyone else or if its to save your own ass (will regret later but hey who isn't somewhat selfish) haha...
white lies can be justified to make someone feel better or save yourself from trouble or being ripped to shreds but once caught tho.. it's another sotry it is not justified basicly keep it as a secret!!
It depends what you are lying about. Sometimes a lie hurts more than the truth and it can be taken in the wrong context.