I dont think so personally, we can be friends but not to close, none of that hanging out stuff, not to much contact... if that happens it results in a relationship or someone crossing the line or having feelings beyond that of a friendship. even now one of my girl friends has been contacting me a lot lately to chat and that, and tbh im gona ask her out lol Whats your view, imo men who have lots of female friends and hang out with them and even go as far as having them as best friends are more than likely homosexual. can men and women just be friends.... maybe as long as you aint to close, dont see each other to much, dont talk to each other to much.. of course this is from the perspective of a heterosexual male.
For a hetrosexual man you can have a female best friend. But lots of people do get mixed feelings that "Oh I'm getting close to her I fancy her I should ask her out, but if I do it might ruin our good friendship" I mean some close friends sees each other as like very close brothers and sisters. I can't say it works for everyone coz some people just fancies anybody that they get close to, and some builds big brick walls to not allow anybody to get close at all. But mind if you do get a very close female friend you must clarify that to the other half (gf or wife) from the start so that they don't think you and your best friends have a problem.
yes they can be frens when both sides have their own partner! if they are gay! if too much chatting it can lead to a different relationship!
even if you dont like her, if your too buddy buddy over time youll start to notice things you like.... then....
Speaking about homosexual, I've realised that a lot of homosexual men have female best friends. They tend to mix in very well. Gay people give very good tips in fashion! Check Gok Wan
I have close female friends and i love tits ass and pussy... Your stereotype is wrong. Not like i'm going to shop with them and go to the chick section and shit like that or help them with vs shopping lol. Plus if you don't have feelings for them just don't answer their calls all the time and call to talk to them all the time that would give off wrong signals.
If both the man and woman are what I could see the feelings involved more than just friends. Now, if you are married, so that the limit should be set without a word. Although many married people do not cheat.
i think it can....and i knows everyone says im ubbbber naive in thinking so... but i really do...just as long as ya both knows where ya stand it should be okies...
I think it's possible. Assuming that the relationship is entirely platonic, gender should not factor into whether or not two people can become close friends.
I wanna say yes. But I don't know, how close is close? If you're saying hanging out occasionally as a big group then yes. But if you're talking close like you can be hanging out alone it's kind of iffy. lol at least I don't think I've ever had a close guy friend I can hang out with alone that hasn't liked me before or I haven't liked them before. wait no thats a lie, I have one guy friend right now that I hang out with quite a bit and we don't like each other lol. at least I'm prettyyyyy sure he doesn't. I heard/think he likes my friend teehee train of thought post ok
^ trust me, if he is not gay he will start liking you eventually... thinking back ive never hung out with a girl i dont like, if i dont like a girl i dont see the point in hanging out with her, that would be weird, we can be friends though but not hanging out friends.
What the hell is wrong with you? What's wrong with having close females friend. I have a lot of them. I can go and chill with them only with no feelings towards anything. I've gone to the movies, bbt or just dinner with them...Its no big deal
i guess it depends on how u react and interact with each other and what u say. in my experience i have to say u can't rele be close friends if ur of different sex and u are even slightly attracted to them as one starts to develop feelings over time. if however u are not attracted to them from the start and treat as a brother or sister relationship then u won't be or if one is gay. however, i think it's true that most people tend to only get close to a girl if they are slightly interested in them so therefore i guess the answer is no.
I would have to say that it depends on the person? For most people though, close enough but not too close or you're probably going to get into a sticky situation.