Can the PS3 play burnt PS2 games?

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Zenom, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Zenom

    Zenom Active Member

    I just asking if anyone knows whether the PS3 can play you know pirated ps2 games e.g. Bali games or ps2 games downloaded from the net. I heard that the ps2 required some type of mod chip to play them. Will the ps3 need this chip as well? and how expensive are these chips?
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    try burning a ps2 game with fire and put it in ur ps3..let us know the result lol

    to b it wont' work i think
  3. how expensive are the chips!?? more like how expensive is the PS3... -__-

    no there are no mod chips for ps3 to play back ups.. cuz.. not too many pple can back up blu-ray if at all.. stick with modded ps2.. it'll still last awhile.. a year or so... for new games
  4. kojiyu

    kojiyu Active Member

    nah ps3 can't play backups yet cause there ain't any ps3 iso dumpers cause disc drives don't support blue ray i'd say wait another half a yr at most ppl in the dev world are workin on it
  5. bakasan

    bakasan Member

    no it wont work because blu-ray disc reader dont support other types of format so it wont run
  6. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    It wouldn't be very cost effective to mod the ps3. 3 reasons.
    1. cost of ps3, don't want to mess with something that costs half a k.
    2. cost of a blu ray burner. still it costs half a k for the pc. remember the format wars are still going on b/t hd dvds and blu ray, so wait until which side wins first.
    3. cost of the mod chip if there is any. usually chips cost as much as the system itself.
  7. well mod chips arent that expensive.. but if you don't kno how to solder.. that'll cost more to have it installed..

    I ment China will eventually have Blu-Rays for about a buck.. so just have to wait n see..
  8. THF20

    THF20 is a Chinese

    No, you can't. Same as PS2, if you want to play pirated games or downloaded game fm internet. You have to go to the shop & ask them to chip it for you. If is in Hong Kong, Is about 500 to 600 HK dollars to cover the chip & all the service...
  9. hmmm time to ban your ass.... -lol
  10. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    Yeah wait till ppl in china start making the chips. lol
  11. I can see it now.. play wii, xbox360,ds,psp,nintendo,Snes, games all on the PS3...
  12. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    i imagine it'll be easier now since the game is loaded into the HD on ps3; can get any hack codes in there too. but just my thought ... since i'm too poor to own any gaming sys.
    thinknig of getting a wii though .. but sold out everywhere.
  13. kojiyu

    kojiyu Active Member

    loadin games from the hd will be availible in the future hopefully after they crack the protection. after that happens sony will probally try to patch it like they did to the psp. then a bios changer is needed to play region locked games.

    play wii games on ps3 thats an insane idea o_O
  14. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    I heard in thailand or something they already got bootleg games its pretty cool haha
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Not sure if it's relevant, but apparently the European PS3 won't play many authentic PS2 games either:

    Quote from Toronto Star, possibly from a news release by Sony.

    Old games won't play on Sony's European consoles
    Email Story Email story

    Mar 01, 2007 04:30 AM
    Yuri Kageyama
    associated press

    TOKYO–The European version of Sony's PlayStation 3 will run only some of the games designed for the previous generation of the video-game machine – a move designed to cut costs and speed up production.
    "Backward compatibility" with the PlayStation 2 was a highly touted feature in PS3s that went on sale late last year in the United States and Japan.
    But packing the machine with two expensive computer chips to play both PS2 and PS3 games has contributed to higher costs.
    The European PlayStation 3, set to go on sale March 23, won't carry the chip for PlayStation 2 and will rely on software to run PS2 games, saving money and making mass production easier by reducing the number of parts, Sony Computer Entertainment spokesperson Daisuke Nakata said yesterday.
    It's still undecided whether future PS3 machines for Japan, the U.S. and elsewhere will be sold without the PS2 chip. The option is being considered, Nakata said.
    The U.S. and Japanese consoles also failed to deliver full compatibility with games designed for the older system.
    Almost as soon as the PS3 went on sale in Japan and the U.S., Sony acknowledged complaints that it wasn't properly playing thousands of PS2 games. In some cases, the games didn't work at all. In others, scenes froze or music wouldn't play.
    Sony has been offering downloads to fix the problem, but not everything has been fixed, the company said.
    The decision to forgo the PS2 chip in the European model is yet another blow to the PS3, which has been plagued by production delays. The European launch was postponed until March from the initially promised holiday season.
    Skeptics have noted Nintendo Co.'s rival Wii console is out of stock while the PS3 can be found on some store shelves.
    One drawback to Sony's PS3 is that at $499 (U.S.) and $599, it costs about twice as much as the Wii.
    Although backward compatibility with the PS2 would seem a small issue for its cutting-edge successor, there still aren't that many PS3 games available.
    Sony has sold 1.8 million PS3s, while Nintendo sold 3.2 million Wii worldwide last year.
  16. chronovial

    chronovial Active Member

    Well.. you can always order it.. or maybe try e-bay
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Go bribe someone at EB games (sweet talk them if you must!) but not futureshop or bestbuy though -- those are by-the-rule companies.
    I am serious, I know people who got their Wii that way...
  18. Zenom

    Zenom Active Member

    Good news apparently the ps3 can load iso files. I've seen the ps3 play a pc game. Though apparently you have to use linux and it requires alot of fiddling, though I'm sure someone will eventually release a guide