Yamashita Tomohisa introduced a life-sized figurine of his newly sculpted body at an event for the upcoming movie, “Ashita no Joe“, and Sponichi Annex has recently revealed a photo of the figure for your viewing pleasure. Check it out below:
^ Hair of the movie promotion? Or hair of the figurine? If you're talking about the figurine, yes, i believe that his hair shuold be.. a bit more curly.
Yeah, the figurine. It doesn't even look like his hair from the movie at all. Did they get lazy perming it and just used his hairstyle from Kurosagi days? Don't even like Yamapi's permed hair either. Like back in Buzzer Beat... it was terrible.
^ Really? I quite liked his Buzzer Beat hair. Well, at least the colour I agree, that hair does look like Kurosagi days.