Cancer Patient Receives A 3D Printed Titanium Rib Cage In World First Surgery

Discussion in 'Current World News and Events' started by shinobi, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. A Spanish cancer patient has received a 3D printed titanium sternum and rib cage designed and manufactured right here in Australia. Suffering from a chest wall sarcoma (a type of cancerous tumour that grows, in this instance, around the rib cage), the 54 year old man needed his sternum and a portion of his rib cage replaced. This part of the chest is notoriously tricky to recreate with prosthetics, due to the complex geometry and design required for each patient. So the patient’s surgical team determined that a fully customisable 3D printed sternum and rib cage was the best option. That’s when they turned to Melbourne-based medical device company Anatomics, who designed and manufactured the implant utilising our 3D printing facility, Lab 22.


    credits: engadget
  2. And this is what technology is good for! Freaking amazing stuff. I have read about the medical world already using 3d printed parts for bone grafts but this takes it even further. technology at its finest (Y)
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Pretty bad ass
  4. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    It honestly is pretty badass. It's cool of it works flawlessly but you always risk about the potential failure it comes with.

    However since the future isn't certain for cancer situations.. then one living day is one more living day
  5. iksxc

    iksxc Well-Known Member

    Bad ass indeed! Terminator style!! :lol::lol:
  6. But the thing with these 3D printed 'artefacts' is that the body has a lower chance of rejecting it. Which allows for a better healing/recovery process (Y)
  7. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    That's awesome go aussies...