A pair of Limited Edition mid 2000s Swarovski puzzle pendants. You'd think you'd be able to find these online, but after half a day of searching. I got nothing. Ugh.
Yup 2003 to 2004. I wanted to get them back then for a special friend. But I was in high school then and couldn't afford them. Would be a nice gift if I can find them now..
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SWAROVSKI-CRYSTAL-2-PIECE-PUZZLE-PENDANT-SET-/150647895278 lol <1min of searching; used though and it's ebay.
That's what I thought too... but can't find them. The inability to read Chinese also doesn't help I guess. I found this posting in Malaysia. Seems to be some sort of online classified website for Malaysia (like Craigslist). Does anyone want to help me get these and mail it to me? http://www.mudah.my/Swarovski+Crystal+Friend+Puzzle+Pendant-10501407.htm
should talk to a guy we know who goes by fuuuuuuuu and you really need to stop making double posting a habit....
lol sorry my bad; wasn't reading the ebay page properly But I found another although it's just one, this was posted 15 days ago so use the contact cellphone number. For international it be +44 instead of the 0 at the front. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/used-blue-swarovski-crystal-puzzle-necklace/91466154 There is also this replica based on crystal of swarovski http://www.everydayautismjewelry.com/swarovski-puzzle-piece-pendant-and-chain---solid.aspx Also in chinese this is SWAROVSKI 水晶拼圖項鍊 by the way and http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=10956134114 and http://tw.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/e50266762 which just ended unfortunately about 12 hours ago; alot has popped up on yahoo auction on the tw and hk sites so you may want to keep an eye out. So yeah not total loss depending on whether you want to be picky the exact one or just go for a replica
I've already been in touch with the GumTree seller. It's her first time selling online and she's not comfortable selling internationally. I've seen the autism one, but that's not the one she's interested in. I would love to buy this one - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=10956134114 But I can't read or communicate in Chinese... sigh Same thing with the Yahoo. I can't even see that page since I don't have a Chinese Yahoo account. I'm currently in touch with this seller over at Malaysia, but her response time is so slow. http://www.mudah.my/Swarovski+Crystal+Friend+Puzzle+Pendant-10501407.htm Wish me luck.