I'm wanting to make a music video for my family as a christmas present with our family photos. I was wondering if anyone can suggest me some nice cantonese songs that has lyrics talking about family love and the like? I know a lot of Twins/Joey songs so I know they have some family songs, but I was wondering if there's any other more "recent" ones. o: At first I thought Traffic Lights by Stephanie Cheng was about family.. but when I read a translation somewhere I realised it wasn't, so damn. My mum really liked the song too. And yeah, my cantonese isn't so good. xD I can understand it, but for some reason it's a bit more difficult for me to understand it when it's in a song... so any suggestions would be great!! Thanks! (And I hope I put this in the right section..)
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=lBOfdBPgKXs http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=KFEkO1JiZzM&feature=related http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=7XtO8NyElnA&feature=related
Wow quick reply, thanks! Haha I like the McDull song... though I couldn't follow the lyrics quick enough to understand fully what it means the first go (though I'm sure I'll geddit once I watch it a few more times). Thanks for the suggestions!