"Cantonese Slang Essay"

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by xxxac3xxx, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. xxxac3xxx

    xxxac3xxx Active Member

    One afternoon I played football with my friends after school. My friends went to the bathroom for a while and I waited outside. Suddenly three older students came up to me. They looked like gangs.

    One of them asked me, Where are you come from? I replied, I come from Tai Po. However he was very angry and yelled you play me! How senior are you?

    I was afraid. At that moment my friends returned. Tom who is a big guy stared at him and said, What the water are you?. The guy then turned to Tom, non-of your business! Tom pointed at me and said, His business is my business, we are brothers under elder brother Kwan. [Elder brother Kwan is a hero in Chinese History in the Three Kingdom Period]. The guy stunned, Who Shined on you? Tom answered, None of your business. We all laughed.

    The guy was very angry, You looked down on me? He then stared at us. Since we have total seven of us then he said, If you got enough ginger, let your horse come over here tonight at the estate playground. Tom replied, Do you big me? I can hit you right now! Without a second, he hit the guy’s nose.

    The guy was furious and wanted an immediately fight. His friend held him and one of them told him to calm down since the situation is not good to them. However the guy yelled, You teach me how can I come out and walk in the future? Hit by this younger student! Call Big Brother Seng and Crazy Bill to Zebra chops these people!

    We were afraid. However Tom said, I come out and walk, I have prepared to pay back. Then he dialed a number and said, Knife Scar Keong this is Tom. Blow chicken tonight. Call Spear Put Wah, Mountain Chicken and Silly Keung.. What? Silly Keung is handling the quarrel between Gold Hair Leng and Thirteen Little Sister..! Damn, then call Little Snake Meng, tonight at the estate playground have Big tea rice … what ? Do the world? What the ghost are you talk? We chop people tonight. However at this moment, those three senior students ran away with terror on their faces.


    i thought this was HILARIOUS. didnt know where to post......so yea. put it in here. hope u liked it as much as i did -lol
  2. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    Haha keeping it real with Chan Ho Nam and his Young and Dangerous crew eh
  3. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    veincentury prob rite like that lol..freals
  4. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    ^It has to be. Using english terms to replace canto slangs, Lmao, very good.
  5. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    lol.. interesting read.. i don't think ppl talk like that though.. ever hah
  6. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    I thought that was stupid......

    It's definitely lacking some swearing and it makes no sense in english.
  7. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    ^ Gotta agree with you on that.
  8. ckhar

    ckhar Well-Known Member

    Very good and interesting read using english terms to replace canto slangs, normally, i don't think people talk like that though..