Japan v China - Casting Baseless Opinions Into The Wind I've read many of the threads here regarding the conduct of China and Japan during the war years. Many here have taken to demanding that the Japanese government must apologize, et cetera, to the Chinese and other Asians that had suffered at the hands of the wartime Japanese military. Though many here have expressed passionate opinions; what are those passions based on. Hence the poll. Just to see if people actually know what the hell they're arguing about. Ralph
Amazing with all the opinions about Japan v China, that there are only two votes thus far, on this subject. Ralph
The first time I've heard about the Nanjing Datusha was when I (was a little kid) watched a movie on TV in Northeast China...never liked Japan or Japanese since...
One doesn't need to hate the Japanese, but rather hold their government to account for what happened. Ralph
^^^ i agree people shouldn't be ignorant and hold an entire ethincity accountable for something their govt/military did.
Maybe you could have a poll option that says you heard about it through family members who were alive at that time and/or people who fought in the war. I think most young people have heard about it from parents or grand parents. IMO The Japanese government (not the people necessarily) should make a formal apology for the atrocities and dishonorable conduct of its military during the war the same way the German government did for all the things Hitler and the Nazis did. If the Japanese government would just make a formal apology, it would go a long way to easing tensions. But that might conflict with the belief they propagated that they were victims in the war. In any case, it doesn't really mean Japanese and Chinese ppl can't have a beer together.