Cathy Tsui Gives Birth to a 8 lb Baby Girl!

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, Jul 21, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Cathy Tsui Gives Birth to a 8 lb Baby Girl!

    Caption: Cathy Tsui gave birth to a baby girl. The baby has a high nose and closely resembles her father.
    Cathy Tsui Tsi Kei gave birth to a baby girl earlier this week. Yesterday was the first time the press published photos of the baby. She was 50 cm in length at the time of birth and has a high nose, resembling father, Martin Lee Ka Shing. No wonder Cathy referred to the baby as "Mini Martin!"
    First time mother, Cathy, was extremely excited and said, "I have never been as happy in my life before!"
    Cathy's father-in-law, billionaire Lee Siu Gei, sent a $5,000 (HKD) soup of ginseng and winterworm grass to aid Cathy in her recovery. Even Cathy's normally busy husband, Martin, took a break from his Vice President position to spend time with Cathy at the hospital.

    As new parents, Cathy and Martin were extremely happy and friendly to the press. Aside from offering cookies to reporters, there was also a Public Relations Representative available to relay the Lee family's answers regarding the birth of the baby.
    On the delivery date, Cathy received local anesthesia and delivered the baby via C-Section. Cathy held onto Martin's hand while giving birth. Upon hearing the first cry of the baby, Cathy's face was filled with tears.
    "I was never as happy! Giving birth even supercedes getting married! When I looked at our baby, I could not contain my tears of happiness! My first glance told me that the baby was healthy. In my second glance, I realized that she closely resembles Martin!"
    Due to the baby's oversized head, Cathy elected to give birth via C-Section. Although the baby arrived early, she was still born 50 cm in length (the average baby length was 40 cm). Although Cathy was still recovering from her C-Section surgery, she was able to get up from bed and take care of the baby.
    Martin was extremely helpful in caring for the baby. Cathy said, "Martin fed the baby and bathed her. Whenever she grasps Martin's finger, she will stop crying. He is better at handling her than I am!"
    Father-in-law, Lee Siu Gei hopes that the couple will have 8 to 10 children. Cathy also hopes to have more children. Due to work demands, Lee Siu Gei has not been able to visit Cathy at the hospital. However Cathy's parents have already seen the baby.

    When Cathy was 3 months pregnant, she was already considering the name of the baby. However the couple wanted the baby to be born first before choosing a suitable name in accordance with her personality and features.

    The Lee family's Public Relations Representative also said that the paparazzi sneaked into the hospital. Fortunately the guilty parties were discovered early.
    Source: the Sun
    Credits to: Jayne
  2. fobforlife

    fobforlife Member

    was she pregnant when they got married?
  3. whoa... she got really fat...can't even recongize her.
  4. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    ^ Agreed, shes all puffed up now, guess itll go away after couple months the extra lbs that she got.
  5. Espresso Bunny

    Espresso Bunny Well-Known Member

    is that the rich man of hk?