CCM announces Hwayoung will leave T-ara

Discussion in 'Korean Entertainment' started by _Fahrenheit_, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    T-ara‘s parent company Core Contents Media announced today that one of its members, Hwayoung, will be leaving the group effective immediately.

    CCM’s CEO, Kim Kwang Soo, announced the departure in a press release written by the president himself. “In deference to the complaints by T-ara’s staff of 19 people (5 stylists, 7 hair & makeup, 5 on-site managers, 2 team mangers), Hwayoung’s contract as an artist will be voided effective immediately with no conditions.”

    Kim Kwang Soo denied any correlation with the recent controversy that erupted following tweets from the T-ara members that were interpreted by many as one-sided bullying against Hwayoung. “We wish to impress upon the fact that this has nothing to do with the ‘bullying’ reports surrounding T-ara,” CCM said. “Although the staff of Core Contents Media stayed up into early morning discussing with the T-ara members who all wanted to stay with Hwayoung, we apologize in saying that we could not forsake the arguments of the staff members.”

    “We deeply apologize for the many incidents which made everyone who loved T-ara nervous and worried, and we have nothing but sadness to convey such an unsettling incident on their third anniverary. We also apologize again to the T-ara members and wish Hwayoung all the best as a powerful rapper,” CCM concluded.

    Hwayoung will leave T-ara after 20 months, leaving original members Boram, Qri, Eunjung, Soyeon, Hyomin, and Jiyeon, as well as new member Ahreum.

  2. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Wow. Did not see this coming. I think those tweets are towards Hwayoung though.. although they deny it. But those are my opinions really. But.. they say something about determination. So.. her determination is not enough to get through her hardships? :S

    Soo... T-ARA members is ok with her.. but its the staffs that thinks she's unbearable? :S I really wonder why.. her attitude? Punctuality?

    Anyways.. I hope EunJung takes some shares of her parts in Don't Leave and Jiyeon/Eunjung splits between her parts in Day By Day now..
  3. didnt the news also say Hwayoung is hated by everyone else in T-ara?
  4. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    CCM is a shitty company with a shitty CEO.

    Tara didn't want any new members but the CEO added Hwayoung into the group and now Dani. A lot of the media are posting up all the dirt on how she's being bullied by many of the Tara members. (Not facts but it's not good for the group)

    Stupid CEO blames Hwayoung, like 20 staffs claimed she was hard to work with and stuff. There are just so many articles coming out. It's a good show. So I don't care, I'm not really a fan of theirs.

    These news made Tara from a top tier group into a group that people just wants gone. (Tara better hope it's false but it doesn't seem to be all BS)

    Hundreds of people are getting their refunds for the Tara concert and a lot of their coming up events might be cancelled or fact problems now...
  5. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Lovey dovey uh oh oh oh
  6. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    1) I don't believe a single word the CEO says. The guy is horrible at managing. We can already see that from his own horrible management of his own finances resulting in bankruptcy. Why he's still managing all these poor young kids lives beats me.
    2) T-ara was never a top tier group. They were decent in popularity and now they are just shit. lol
    3) A lot of people seem to forget Ahreum is also the most recent addition to T-ara. That girl will probably be just fine though since there's been proof she's a big bitch herself.
  7. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    The new member really annoyed me. I still like the old T-ara. I heard Ahreum sing it is not that good. What a stupid CEO management. Wonder when he will kick out all the old member then they can form a new group.
  8. Dh_135

    Dh_135 Well-Known Member

    Garbage management. Read some articles about the CEO guy blaming Hwayoung for her poor attitude. NEVER in any case should you put a member of the group down and say that she has issues or a bitch to work with, especially when there have been rumours that she was bullied in the group.

    Tara has fallen off in the hierarchy of "top" groups IMO. I liked them a lot back when they released the "Absolute First Album", and ever seen then, has just turned shittier and shittier. I never liked Hwayoung joining the group about a year ago, but slowly adapted to sorta liking her after watching a couple of her performances (mainly the collab with Davichi). Now they added a NEW member Ahreum or some shit, who is completely emotionless and pretty much useless. I heard that they're gonna add ANOTHER girl into the group, who is 12 or 13 years old or some shit, which is completely retarded. Now Hwayoung is being kicked out is just silly. If anything, they should kick out Qri. Most useless member in all of kpop.
  9. Another industry rep explained Hwayoung was crying and threw her crutches down because she was unable to enter the dressing room.... :facepalm:
  10. That's a total dick move. As much as I may hate someone, I'd never do that in a million years. Everyone deserve decent respect and treatment. Bullying sucks balls.
  11. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Did y'all read the article about disproving the bullying scenes? Like how Hwayoung's umbrella was already broken before Boram "attacked" her as well as Eunjung stuffing food into Hwayoung's mouth was actually the objective of the game (apparantly they did it to Jiyeon too).

    Again, I still don't know what to believe but some 'bullying' scenes are just made up without content. With a screencap you can make up a whole story behind it but you must know what is going on at the moment.
  12. i take it she has Princess Disease since staff have a problem with her
  13. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Again, just to spread some news article around. I dont wanna post the website but google up "More proofs against the bullying rumors about T-ara".

    I remember Dan posting a slideshow link on chatbox about all the bullying screencaps.. in which the link will "disproof" a lot of the slideshow pictures.

    Again, not saying if bullying really existed there but should really know around the background of each 'bullying' scene.