Charlene Choi’s 25th birthday is on the 22nd of this month. But because she will be flying out of Hong Kong for work reasons, Charlene held her birthday party on Friday night. Before the birthday arrived, Deep Ng and Steven Cheung were already at the venue holding copies of Twins’ latest album. The two then disclosed that in order to enter, everyone must have a copy of Twins’ album. Steven, whose birthday is on the 10th of December, revealed that he had a birthday celebration last night. Soon, Twins arrived with Kenny Kwan. When asked what her birthday wish was, Charlene replied, “I hope for world peace and good health.” Charlene expressed that all her friends must bring the latest copy of Twins’ CD or else they will be fined $300. She heard that many of friends could not find their album in Causeway Bay because they had sold out but thankfully, they were able to find some at North Point. Under the request of the majority of people present at the party, Gillian kissed Charlene on the cheek when presenting her with a Chanel cake. Mani Fok, Lin Xiao-Ming, Yumiko Cheng, Eric Suen, Chai Yut-Zhi and his wife all arrived with copies of Twins Party, while Joey Yung did not seem to have one. At approximately 2am, a mildly intoxicated and her friends left the venue. [singtao/asian-f]