Charmaine Sheh, Liza Wang and Joe Ma attended the promotion activities for "When Easterly Showers Fall on the Sunny West" yesterday. Charmaine and Joe (ex rumored boyfriend) acted together as lovers again for the show. When they were singing a duet, they were seen standing afr apart. Charmaine was asked if she was worried that Kevin would get jealous? Charmaine told reporter she was a bit nervous because this was her first time singing that song live with Joe. "THis is my first time, and I am not very familiar with the lyric either." Charmaine revealed that she would be appearing in some shows to earn more money during the Christmas season. She was glad that so far her fees have not been reduced yet, but she was worried that next year it might be different. Asked if she mind doing show with Kevin as lovers. Charmaine replied "Why not if there is money to be earned." Source:MingPao Translator:dragon888@http//www.************