Charmaine @ Top Gear Car Magazine Party

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by candy10013, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. candy10013

    candy10013 Well-Known Member


    Yesterday Charmaine Sheh and Bowie Lam attended Top Gear car magazine event. On stage, she revealed that she dislike being tailed by reporters the most. Asked if she will speed off to get rid of them, she indicate that safety is most important: "If they want to follow you, you can't get rid of them anyway." When she was asked regarding the allegation of her being caught in Kevin Cheng's car during scale 8 tropical storm, Charmaine indicate that she has already responded to this and therefore will not discuss this matter anymore. However, when reporters told her that Kevin showed embarrassment and 'black face' when responding to this rumor, Charmaine smiled and said: "Could it because I look fair, while he's tanned from the sun (referring to them calling him black)? (Will you give Kevin a ride to work?) He doesn't need me to drive him. (But his car broke down!) I'm not jesting with you anymore!" Charmaine turned and left afterward.

    On the other hand, Bowie's series [The Gem of Life] is going to be aired as TVB anniversary series next month. When asked if he is worried of the ratings, he replied: "No, the most important thing is that the audiences enjoyed watching the series."

    Credits: Sehseh's Blog
  2. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    Oh snap top gear bbc><
  3. wow... TOP GEAR! too bad she wasn't dressed up as a race queen LOL that would have been news for the press -detect