Just today, I was asked by a female friend to take swimming lessons that were apparently dramatically cheaper for two. The original price cost around 100 dollars per person around our suburban area. Problem is, I cant determine whether she proposed it to me to step up a notch with our friendship, or simply for the experience/save money. Have you ever been in a situation where the opposite sex attempted to lure you in this financial proposition? If so, was it used to intensify a relationship, experience, or both?
wait hold on.. as of right now.. are you an average friend or a close friend to her? cuz if youre just an average friend, then maybe... but on the other hand, it may not.. maybe she just wants someone to go with her, without any intentions of stepping it up. if youre a close friend, then thats different. because youre a close friend, she trusts you, and this is not an attempt to get closer. because your situation is really uncertain, i would not assume anything. just chill out normally.. just go as a normal friend.
Don't do anything. Just go along with her. if she says something, then react. (u know the signs) but then again, if u don't do anything, i might miss out on a oppertunity. trust me, i have lots of times. lots of time girls like me and i didn't notice, only untill they tell me when they go out with another person, then i'll notice. so, if u do like her, then go for it. if u don't then don't do it.
I've recently been in the same situation. I think she likes me because there's this dance coming up (ASA banquet) and her friends were like "Dude, ask her to the dance". I don't like but I don't dislike her. So I decided to ask. But it's no fun if she's expecting it eh. And she definitely was because on her Myspace, my friends were like "Did he ask you yet!!?" So I had this little scheme of misleading her. I told her close friends that I wasn't asking her to the dance anymore, but this other girl I like instead. They fell for it like ants fall for sugar. She definitely picked it up, so one night she IMed me on AIM and asked me if we could buy the tickets together, since a couple's ticket was 55 dollars and singles are 30. Anyway, one day afterschool I was walking with her to volleyball practice (she's our manager) after taking this capability test with her. So I asked her to the dance, I said "Hey (her name) if I pay for your ticket would you go to the dance with me?" She nodded her head and said sure, and she was smiling for a pretty long time hehe. That's how it went. I'm currently single and I want to have fun, so I guess you could call me a drifter. It doesn't mean much to me. Just try not to take it seriously bro. Goodluck and have fun. PS. Go for it, expect it but don't be obvious about it and don't keep it in mind too much.
that's pretty slick Yo...I have to say. Great move. I am a drifter just like you bro enjoying the single life. Getting back to the main topic Aries. Chill out. I think you're reading too much into it. If you like to go swimming, answer yes...if not...answer no. Just go from there. If you like her, say yes...and see how things develop. Nothing like participating in an activity such as swimming to see if two people clicks.
hehe thank you dc003. he's right aeries listen to him. don't take life so seriously, cus whenever you do, it doesnt last. example, in my few previous relationships, the girls that i really do like, lasts about a month, and the girls that i don't lasts about 3. i break it off after the 3rd month. i kind of not want to go any further than that, unless i really like the girl.
i dont think that consider cheap.. man. Most of those gym is cheaper is u join by two or a group of ppl. If i know having 5ppl joing is cheaper i would ask all my friend if they interest (of course i wont force them to join) just want let them know. Also dont take it too serious. ** Example : Like asking u go out to watch movie doesn't mean she engage on u.. (maybe she is boring lol or maybe u got a car)
Maybe she doesn't have any other friends that like swimming? Just be friends first and think about relationship later if you see signs...
Maybe she just wants to see you in a speedo...? Hah, j/k. Hard to say, I would have to say it depends on how well you know the person and the history between the two of you.