China Drama "Marry into the Purple" Starring Charmaine Sheh

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    Since ending her management contract with TVB, Charmaine Sheh has appeared in one high-profile mainland Chinese project after another. In the upcoming, Marry to the Purple <嫁入豪門>, Charmaine portrays a tragic character who experiences one turmoil after another after marrying into a wealthy family.

    Taiwan’s well-known talented producer, Yang Manli (楊曼麗) spent two years to create Marry into the Purple. Other cast members include Benny Qin (錢泳辰), Jiang Zuping (江祖平), Lu Yulin (陸昱霖), Kent Tong (湯鎮業) and Yu Xiaofan (俞小凡). With the characters well-fleshed, viewers will be able to identify with their emotional struggles and their moral conflicts. The producer has high hopes that the drama will become the next big tear jerker drama of the year.


    The story takes place in the mid 1920s, in a town controlled by the powerful warlord, Cao Zhen Fang. The Xu family who ran a successful soy sauce business is set up to fail by the ruthless warlord, pushing the family into poverty.

    To fulfill a marriage promise to the Xu family, adopted daughter, Shen Yingxiu (Charmaine Sheh), decides to take her elder sister Ying Di’s (Jiang Zuping), place to marry Xu’s only son, Jia Jun. The exposure of Yingxiu’s real identity leads to her father-in-law’s subsequent death due to shock from the deception. Yingxiu’s husband, Jiajun, is shattered by his father’s death and runs away from home. He later joins an army led by Xiaojiu to attack the Cao army for revenge.

    Meanwhile, Yingxiu is left behind to deal with the Xu household’s financial problems and a difficult mother-in-law. Furthermore, she and her mother-in-law are held hostage as retaliation to Jiajun’s attack on Cao’s army. In order to protect her mother-in-law, she suffers severe abuse and insults.

    Yingdi marries Cao’s son and briefly enjoys the luxurious lifestyle of the warlord family.

    Charmaine Plays the Wealthy Version of “Lau Sam Ho”

    Charmaine is the most suitable actress to portray tragic character, Yingxiu, which resembles her classic role of Lau Sam Ho in TVB drama, Beyond the Realm of Conscience <宮心計>. Her character has a very kind heart however she experiences much turmoil and distress, as her fate is forever altered after marriage.

    Charmaine revealed that this is the most tragic character she has ever portrayed. During the 50 days of filming, she spent almost 40 of those days crying. As for playing the wealthy version of Lau Sam Ho, Charmaine said she has some pressure to play a sad character who fights so hard to win over her own destiny. However, she has confidence that the audience will enjoy her performance in the drama.

    Creds: Sohu