China invades USA: remake of "RED DAWN" the movie...sad...

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by countryboy, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. countryboy

    countryboy Well-Known Member


    The originial RED DAWN 1984 has the Soviet Union invading USA,
    but this remake due to be released in November, 2010 is about China invading USA.
    this is really sad, and very anti-Chinese...racist as well.
    for all those of us who live outside China, the movie could stir-up some trouble for us....especially, those who lives in the USA, currently.
    Not every American is going to hate Chinese people, but there are some
    elements in the USA could do something horrible....sad.
  2. qeemon

    qeemon Active Member

    i need to check out the trailer to decide.
  3. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    China is powered just as much by large corporations as america these days... also the fact that China owns most of the US's national debt means that they would probably never invade as its just not cost effective.

    I also can't see any countries siding with China in a war against america, with the exception of North Korea, but North Koreans don't particularly like the Chinese either.

    Whoever is making this film must have a pretty shallow understanding of globalization and today's china.

    As for the film itself, it has a serious B-list cast and is filmed in Detroit... I think thats pretty much all you need to know about its credibility.

    I'm all for alternate reality films, but I can only suspend my disbelief so far. I doubt this movie will be anything more than a blip on anyone's radar.
  4. Xib

    Xib Well-Known Member

    Making a movie about America invading China is more credible XD
  5. .Cameron

    .Cameron Well-Known Member

    So basically the movie is about China waging war in the false name of "liberating the people"?
    I can't help but to spot the irony of this... :whistling:

    Awesome flag? -sweat
  6. vertigo8

    vertigo8 New Member

    Insane. This will definately stir some reaction from the biggots.
  7. quite interested in seeing this too bad its not due till november. There's alot of potential. hope they make it good.