A community of dwarves has set up its own village to escape discrimination from normal sized people. Everyone in the mountain commune in Kunming, southern China, must be under 4ft 3ins tall - and they run their own police force and fire brigade from their 120 residents. Now the group has turned itself into a tourist attraction by building mushroom houses and living and dressing like fairy tale characters. 'As small people we are used to being pushed around and exploited by big people. But here there aren't any big people and everything we do is for us,' said spokesman Fu Tien. Source
awww how sweet <3 小人國 lols but keep the population low plz, we dont want the survival of the fittest to lean towards to real short ppl...
ok it looks cute but it is kinda awkward... if everyone who's being discriminated starts his/her own village wed have a hell lotta "special" villages...
^ uh huh..i wana a bb village..and everyone who joins in will need to add "bb" to the front of their name..woakakak...