Recently, online game players are all talking about the legendary of someone spent 280,000 yuan on a virtual weapon. The operator Shanda said that the investment is based on the free will of gamers," They identified with our value." Although it all came out of free will, others still thought it was unbelievable. According to the information revealed on the official website of The World of Legend, to celebrate the forth anniversary of the game, the website launched a campaign. From July 21- August 31, Any one who spent most money in buying the game gold would get an exclusive item. That interested gamers much. From the very first, the competition between gamers was intense, and getting hotter and hotter. A player with account number ¡°dav****96¡± had charged 165,000 yuan, but he soon overtook by ¡°she****9¡± with 215,500 yuan. When every one considered the situation is final, ¡°dav****96¡± won the item with 283,000 yuan. A lot of gamers questioning whether is worthywhile to buy an itme at such an high price. But the game operator Shanda said that players can use the game gold for value-added service such as playing other games or reading-online.The investment is based on the free will of gamers. It shows that " They identified with our value." source:17173
I find it interesting, afterall, there isn't THAT many Chinese with $280,000 worth liquifible asset...
god damn stupid lol wasting that much money on a virtual weapon or anything virtual, person has no life at all...
Lol....hahahaha thats even worse then women who spent heaps and heaps of money on fashion items... At least u can still hold a bag to sleep hahaha.... I never understand why guys spend loads of money on that kinda stuff =/ must be addicted....
WOW...that guy has a lot of free cash floatin around....must be from a pretty well off family for him to splurge like that..cuz it would take quite a while for a chinese person to save up that much on their median salary
I heard Blizzard sold it. But I'm not to sure about this story, cause I only heard it from my friend.
^ ah ok, maybe they named some land after him in some way or something. cant find no info on net about it, post link if u do, sounds interesting.