this guys just fails in 2 major respects.... (1) His accent is tooo asian.... (2) he tries too hard to look kool...
well, speaking of chinese, there are quite a few stereotypes that are very true here's one, chinese women are baddddddddddddd drivers -bigsmile and some other things i'd rather not say due to my fear of getting flamed, and sound like a dick -tongue2
that aint a chin just generalise to all women....<_< coz you dun sound like a d*ck already...??...puhaha...-tongue2
haha that's not a generalization... that's fact... take that quiz... and the results will show that your average woman shouldn't even be allowed to have a driver's license haha btw... i got an 85 :wiggle:
no, certain caucasian women can drive well, nearly all chinese women can NOT drive like aoes said, it's a fact. come to where i live. it'll be enough proof. -bigsmile and those who go to pmall often know what i'm talking about lol
lololol i was driving during rush hour, and i came across a woman, who HAPPENS to be chinese, going in zig zags from the shoulder of the highway (freeway/motorway w/e), to the middle lane, and back i pull up beside her to start cussing at her, AND THEN SHE FUCKING STOPS RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY FOR NO APPARENT REASON LOLOLOLshe could barely keep her eyes open hahahahahahaha anyways, bb, if its any consolation, chinese women are not the only people to drive badly. tamil women are very bad drivers too lol fucking tamil lady... she tried to roll over a pile of packed snow and ice around a foot and a half high WITH A FUCKING COROLLA
That's nothing, I remember a story about a guy that got a flat tire driving down a quad lane highway, and was idiotic enough to stop in the middle of high speed highway traffic, to get out to inspect that flat. He spent the last few seconds of his life looking at a flat tire (there's got to be something profoundly philosophical about this, I just haven't yet figure out what it is...), just before another vehicle traveling at 70 miles an hour, abruptly ended his stupidity... -shock Obviously, driving a Corolla into a snowbank may not be the smartest thing to do. But at least it's worth a few chuckles to bystanders, and the woman lived to realize how stupid she was. Stupidity does come in degrees. Ultimate stupidity usually qualifies for a Darwin Award. What's funny about youtube vids is that many of these inane clips will be archived for years to come. His kids may one day find these clips and realize what an absolute buffoon their dad really is... :nuts: Moral of this is, don't put anything on youtube that has ridicule backlash potential. -lol