Club Box

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by zylo, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. zylo

    zylo Well-Known Member

    does anyone use clubbox. if yes can i get some help i cant seem to get anywhere with the downloads i mean i can get them but they stay at 0kb and doesnt go anywhere. also whn i closed it my ddl dissappeared
  2. shuet_ying

    shuet_ying Member

    I use Clubbox, but i don't seem to have that problem... so i don't really know how you can fix it. Are you sure that the files does have seeds? Cause if its a old file then that might be the reason why. Also when you exit clubbox (removing it from the taskbar as well), all the stuff you were downloading or had queued will be removed. You'll have to go find the link again for it to resume.
  3. onisegawa

    onisegawa Active Member

    try to upload more! its like torrent, more u upload the more dl speed you get! but i never really had that problem of staying 0kbs =/