Coffee Lam steals the spotlight cosplaying as a sexy 'Son Goku' from DragonBall appearing at an anime function, keeping up with the theme, Gill Mohindepaul Singh aka Q.BoBo and Lo Fun BB also dressed up respectively as Mr Popo and Majin Buu. Even though, Coffee's costume was slightly underdressed compared to the others, she did unintentionally make an impression by she had to bend down, showing off her 'business line' - cleavage shinobi successfully stealing the show's attention. During the ball game activities, Coffee was asked to use her foot to kick the ball that was positioned on Q.BoBo's derriere. Q.BoBo jokingly said " Don't kick so low!", afterwards Coffee had to use her mouth holding a spoon to fee Q.Bobo, he then laughed and told her "You can take your time to feed me, my wife's not in Hong Kong" causing the audience to burst out laughing as well. After showing her cleavage during the activity, Coffee was then requested to do the splits on stage which resulted in Coffee accidentally exposing her red underwear, but she carried on performing regardless. Coffee was asked about the slight wardrobe malfunction afterwards and was surprised that the reporters knew about it and asked them to not film her. She then laughed it off and replied that "lucky she did wear an extra pair so it wasn't that bad, she did feel that her trousers slipped as she was doing it earlier on but she forgot to pull them up higher than usual" as the splits stunt was a last minute request. On the other hand, it was noted that Coffee's costume didn't need much time to put together, but she was thinking of dressing up as 'Majin Buu' previously but "had to be more chubby for that role but oh wells, save it for next time, I don't mind dressing up as anything" Coffee was then asked, what was the most exciting character she had to dress up as, in which she replied she had to be a Cat Girl once for a project ~ meow ~ which was pretty hot and sexy but she doesn't want to be known for only one look. ~~ Credits: oncc
There was a similar event where Candy Law promoted her photobook and had similar exposure.. but I didnt post it
Yeah ~ thats that long ass article i was translating and then i decided not to post it lol ~ Candy Law and there was a model with like 34D's that wouldn't mind doing full nudes in her photobook lol etc etc
Been waiting for that 34D article Phoenix ... she attempted to look like "sexy goku" ... lol ... she was trying to nail the "sexy" part not the goku part
Shino, I think Pheonix is taking over your job to post naughty pics. Everyone, for NSFW version of Coffee Lam private message Pheonix.
Correction... please PM shinobi for the NSFW version... shino also has coffee's debut from the bathroom
No, the wardrobe malfunction happened on the other end where her underwear got exposed ~ no pics though LOL
Phoenix posts more....exciting pictures.....she is the paff leader u know...... she needs to paffs the faps...@Phoenix.....