Conditioner question

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by Rukia90, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. Rukia90

    Rukia90 Well-Known Member

    HEHE just want to know if using conditioner everyday good or use it every second day or ..... better to the hair ?? -rolleyes AND also is washing my hair everyday good ( me have short hair) >.<
  2. wats_blue

    wats_blue Well-Known Member

    well i read somewhere last year should use conditioner everytime you shampoo your hair. and you should use as little of the product as possible, and rinse really well afterwards. and should read wash your hair every second day, on the alternative days you should just rinse with water.
  3. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    you use conditioner whenever you wash your hair becuase the conditioner helps to soften your hair after you shampoo it.....

    washing your hair everyday is really bad for it becuase your washing the minerals out of your hair....its supposed to be better if you wash it every other day.....
  4. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    yalor as bear bear mentioned, he is the pro in this man....I have to wash ma hair everyday, if i don wash it for a day damn its itchy and i conditioner my hair everyday cause i like it soft....and i have long hair....So, from real life experience its ok cause i am not balding yet or see ne side effects so far......;)
  5. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    wash my hair everyday ... i don't want to be scratching my head in the office and make people think i have lice or something. do not use conditioner .. just the 4 in 1 thing.
  6. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    0 offense yar this is just ma humble opinion, but i think using conditioner on its own still makes a bigger difference than using the 4 in1 where conditioner are added into it already...;)
  7. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    21 gor.....i aint no guy.....-noclue :(

    you really shouldnt wash it everyday its really bad for it.......the other way to it would be to try not to keep touvhing your hair as the more you touch it its like the more you scratch so you say you find it itchy...try not to touch it...and wash it every other day instead
  8. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    i wouldnt recommend using it everyday cause it can sometimes harm your hair, would usually use it every other day
  9. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    It's not healthy to wash your hair everyday. Dries up your scalp causing dandruff. I wash my hair every other day. And I only brush when I wake up, when I go out, after I bathe and before I sleep. too much brushing causes your hair to become too oily and the itchy scalp will kill you if you don't wash.

    Suprisingly, I don't use conditioner. Just shampoo my hair. But all my friends comment on my hair. It's still smooth without a conditioner. My hair is long, well down my back.
  10. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    I dye my hair and I have permed it before.. so conditioner is a must for me :)
    I also wash my hair daily..
  11. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    ^ I permed my hair some 6 years ago. Turned my hair texture like tree roots. Never did it again. You should stop washing it everyday. Get into the habit of washing it only once in 2 days? It's a little uncomfortable at first but it's good for your hair. My hair is healthier after I adopted this habit.
  12. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Ughhh.. no. Can't stand it if I don't wash muh hair for a day.
  13. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    ^ Bad habit.
  14. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    tsk tsk....washing hair everyday is sooo bad for it......i hope you do like hair treatments to keep it moisturised your hair will get really dry due to no minerals......

    jamien -rockon.....with that silky soft hair -lol
  15. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^My hair is fine... with conditioner daily and also occasional hair masks.
    Don't be jealous..

    The trick is to get a good shampoo if you wanna wash it daily, and also not to scrub your scalp too much.
  16. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    ^ Then you're leaving the oils on your scalp to be washed tomorrow? >.<

    Plus if you do the healthy habit you don't have to spend on conditioners and hair masks. Plus don't have to go through trouble to save enough oil for tomorrow? I haven't used a conditioner in at least 3 years.
  17. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Ugh, to me, not washing hair daily is not healthy... :p
    Different people different preference. Plus I have already done my research on this, and its known to be fine to wash your hair daily.
  18. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    ^^" You should read some more up-to-date articles BBRain. They all state that washing hair daily is bad + a waste of money for all the supporting products. The best is to be as natural as possible. That means a minimum of all these chemical-ized stuff.
  19. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    But it's my hair!!! -doh
    I do what i want with it!! let me be! >.<


    Jks.. hehe
  20. wats_blue

    wats_blue Well-Known Member

    ehh?? when did u start to use conditioner everyday? last time you told me you didnt....u lying to me??? hahaha just kidding!!!

    like i said in my orginal answer...should rince hair with water every 2nd day...prevent itchyness