Creation of a Universal System of Global Healthcare

Discussion in 'School Work Help' started by Wukung, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. Wukung

    Wukung Well-Known Member

    What your thought on global health-care? what are some basic laws and principles required for a successful system in which every single person in this world can be covered by health-care?-^_^
  2. BigM

    BigM Well-Known Member

    I personally think that would be impossible.. First look at the difference in life expectancies, health standards and facilities in different conutries across the globe.. The differences are humungous. IMO, I believe that Australia has one of the more effective health systems and high standards (despite their "failures") and if you were to have a global healthcare system, the more developed countries would see health standards drop just so that the developing countries have the same level of health care.