
Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by suijei, Mar 26, 2006.

  1. suijei

    suijei Well-Known Member

    I know it's flattering to be someone's crush, but isn't it a little creepy sometimes who you "reel" in? lol
    Maybe it's only the advances of the creepier guys that are noticible, but i really need to do something about this..any tips? Note: I don't want to do anything to hurt my own appearance.

    For instance, I work at the community service place where as i was posting up events on the bulletin, this guy was constantly coming over and asking me stupid questions. Whatever happened to casual and low-key? It doesn't help that he has a really bad chinese accent! Or is it a bad english accent? Generally, I have no problem with accents, but this one I just can't stand!
    Honestly, the whole place knows the guy is totally crushing on me and they find it funny! -shock One of my guy friends says that he finds it "cute" although his comments are never reliable. My girl friend picks it up immediately and "secures the area" by standing by. LoL-she finds him creepy also.
    One time, he even folded a heart and gave it to me... my friend drops her jaw. Luckly I was working and holding a pair of scissors and casually cut zigzags giving it a appearance of a broken heart. One of the instrutors commented that i was too cruel and my friend decided to keep the heart so that she could bring up the story when we're older. This is only funny if it isn't happening to you.

    Also, my brother's friend's little brother seems to like me also and i treat him the exact same way. Thankfully i think he got the message.

    Guys, if a girl only gives you yes and no answers to your questions, and breaks the heart you gave her, isn't that a clear enough sign? -noclue

    *sigh* Maybe I'm just cold.
  2. shy

    shy Well-Known Member

    You stated in your passage that you "don't want to do anything to hurt your appearance", but on the other hand you're giving this guy the 'cold shoulder'. In a way, is that not already hurting your 'appearance'? Cutting up the heart he gave you right in front of his face was mean, and it might even prevent him from doing 'nice things' for other girls in the future in fear of being turned down. So, instead of giving him what you consider to be OBVIOUS signs of rejection, why not just tell him politely that you aren't interested? Some guys are completely clueless...unless if the girl flat out rejects them, they're stuck under the mentality that they still have a chance. Then, when the girl hooks up with some other guy, the clueless guy becomes jaded and declares to all of his buddies that girls are evil and that she 'led him on' when in fact he was the one who mistook all of her signals from the beginning. It's hard to reject someone without having them hold some sort of a 'grudge' against you, but if you do so in an appropriate manner, at least then they wouldn't have anything to gripe to their buddies about. Of course, if he was a jerk, he could then go around spreading bad rumors about you, but that would just give you all the more reasons to have rejected him in the first place!
    #2 shy, Mar 26, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2006