
Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by josie, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. josie

    josie Member

    I seem to always fall for someone who has a gf already, not on purpose. I guess good guys are always taken. I really like this guy but he has a gf already. Although I have never met his gf before, everytime i hear about her I feel so sad and jealous that's she so lucky to have such a good and smart bf. I can't control my feelings for him but at the same time I cannot let him know, so my heart really hurts, it just doesn't feel good. How can I not think about him anymore. I know there won't be any chance for me with him, so I should try to forget to think of the possibility of being with him but I don't want to end the friendship. I was thinking maybe not seeing him will stop me from having feelings for him. Does anyone has the same problem?
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    wait for ur'll come eventually
  3. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    oh..oi...i can sorta relate. but you just gotta know, there are more guys out there. dont worry, your time will come and you'll find your man ;)
  4. josie

    josie Member

    I'm sure there are lots of nice guys out there. But anyway, I'm not rushing to get a boyfriend, but once you develop feelings for that person, it's hard to not think about it. He's always on my mind. I really hate that feeling.

    Thanks guys.
  5. kaka*

    kaka* Well-Known Member

    i know what u mean.. its hard trying to keep feeligs to urself and not being able to express it freely.... theres no much u can do unless u decide that u want to tell him just to let him know.. but im not so sure whether thats a good idea or not..

    if i were in ur situation (which i have been in..) .. just let time do its thing.. and hopefully those feelings will slowly go away. its kinda stupid doing things this way.. but sometimes its just easier i guess...
  6. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member

    I experienced something like that before. I felt like hell for 2 weeks when I found out the girl I liked had a bf. I just stopped talking to her and tried to avoid her. I deleted her from my msn and blocked her and then deleted my msn account. I went out with friends and started to exercise. It really helped me forget about her. I also tried to avoid watching mushy stuff and didn't listen to any love songs. Instead I switched to listening to training music like rocky.
  7. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    Wow...u know wut? i never really fell
    IN LOVE seriously...(I only fall
    in love wif Celebs..)but none of the
    guyz seem to make my heart pound
    a second faster...its sad...but i guess
    im either not ready...or haven met THE one..
    so im plaing to date wen in 18..hahah
    know..a bit far away but i dunt wanna
    be like others and have my heart broken
    to peices wif someone dats not worth it..
    so i think u should actually wait till the
    time comes and ur MAN comes in ur life..
  8. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    i can see what you mean (though i cannot truly say i'm "in love").

    i have a big crush on my best friend (who i've known for about ten years) who just so happens to tell me everything about who HE likes and would go on for hours telling me his love problems. the girl he likes now (who is also a good friend of mine) just told him she likes him too, so now they're constantly flirting with each other around me. my heart aches everytime i see them together, or hear about them being together.

    i'm trying hard to forget about the whole thing though.. i've tried to convince myself we're better off friends or that i hate him, but they never work in the end. i guess the only thing that can heal your broken heart is time.

    i'm sorry i'm not much help. i hope others'll be able to give better advice. ><
  9. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    awe...poor u ms-jojo.....tho i never really
    have any love problems that concern me
    being the one dat likes da other person..
    but some how i know how it feels wen
    2 of ur best frds like each other...its
    like a love triangle...but all i can give out
    is 2 advice...FIRST...try to tell ur best frd
    dat u kinda have feeling for him....tha way..
    u have a 50 50 chance...nd dats also being
    fair to all of u....nd let him make a choice...
    SECOND...find a better man in ur
  10. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    i suppose what you said is true, that i should tell him so it'd be 50/50... but the thing is, i don't want to jeopardize the friendship we have like josie said. he's a good guy, and i don't want to lose him as someone i can talk to about things.
  11. either fight for that guy or fall for someone else... :)
  12. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    awe..i know wut u mean...not everyone is
    that brave to tell the person they like dat
    u have feelings for him...and for sure dunt
    wanna ruin ur frdship...its really hard cuz
    it really depends on ur personality...if ur
    an outgoin person and u like fight all the
    way through to something u want...then
    u would tell him so u can have a 50 50 chance
    but if ur a shy or a person who likes to keep
    things to urself...then i guess u rather see
    ur lover and ur bff hook up and not mentioning
    ur feelings to any of them...
  13. Peacemaker

    Peacemaker Well-Known Member

    what a cute avatarpic PhY pHy =)
    well if You are 18, and don´t mind asked out on a date with me
    i´ll defintely be there ^^"
    @josie, try to do some activities and concentrate on other things You like to do in Your young life ^^
    at first You´ll think 24/7 about him, but with time it will get less and less,
    until it is just a sweet memory~~~
    maybe there will be a chance in the future, but sure You´ll meet a lot of boys who
    will ask You out on a date and have interest in You,... and under all tese boys there will be one, You´ll also be interested in, and You will fall for each other
    until then keep aiming for the other goals in Your life and reach them ;)
  14. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    LOL...awe dats sweet ^ but im not yet 18..
    haha..thers a LONG way go to...LOL
  15. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    I know how hard it is to have a crush on someone.. n then not able to do anything... esp that person have a gf already.. but one thing i would say is.. never try to steal another girl's boyfriend because u will never know when ur turn will be next n also u dont want to be cursed behind ur back..
    althou my bf cheated on me with another girl and we broke up almost 1 year ago.. i still cannot forgive that bloody b$^&* who did that... so advice: dont steal other ppl's bf!
    n.. well... its a crush... i m sure there are other guys out there.. who are smarter... better looking...richer.. or in someway better than him... n who knows.. maybe that kind of guy is having a crush on u now.. n u'll never know it ;)
    dont worry.. u r still young.. we r still young ^^
  16. fighthing for him doesn't mean telling him how u feel... if u tell him u like him knowing that he's really in love with his gf u'll ruin everything... it's working hard to get close to him n make him like u... n if he likes u a lot more than his gf he'll perhaps 2 time u guys n pick u eventually or he'll pick u right away... but all these takes a hell lot of time n i'm not someone that's bothered...
  17. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    that would be true if ther really in love...
    but i doubt it...its only high school...we
    gotta geta fair chance...but its only if u want
    to...its not like u have to...
  18. kaka*

    kaka* Well-Known Member


    i second that.. but if u really liked the guy, u would be bothered to spend the time to get close and let him know wouldnt u?.. i mean.... leaving it would be minimizing the chances of u guys getting together or developing anything further, possibly something a lot stronger than what the friendship could've been?..
  19. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    i can also sorta rel8 as well...i liked this gal 4 some tym, but recently - ive found out she was wit another guy - hu tried 2 dump her...n thats when me heart broke into 1/2 - it hurted 4 like some months - b4 i tld her , when she fell out with the other guy...jst w8in 4 the opportunity, so when ya get the chance, always tke it...or the person sufferin n regrettin would b you Josie...
  20. choooo1105

    choooo1105 Member

    Haha, for me, its the good quality that is always taken.