Miley Cyrus is facing legal action from a Los Angeles woman over a recent picture scandal, in which the Hannah Montana star appeared to mock Asians Lucie J Kim filed a lawsuit at LA County Superior Court on Wednesday against the 16-year-old, after photos leaked last week of her and a group of male pals pulling on their eyes. According to legal papers obtained by website TMZ, Kim claims to represent more than one million Asian Pacific Islanders who live in Los Angeles County and is seeking £2,800 - the minimum damages for a civil rights violation - for each of them, which adds up to a whopping £2.8 billion in total. Kim claims that when Cyrus posed for the photo, she "knew or should have known that her image would be publicly disseminated via the media, which Cyrus knew focused on her private life, specifically TMZ." Representatives for Cyrus could not be reached for comment as WENN went to press.
lol this is gonna fail, she might as well represent every Oriental person in the world... I want my cut....
uhm... this is a civil rights violation? since when is taking a picture an infringement upon someone's rights?
lol ironic that we don't give a shit about the picture, considering we're asians honestly, a grimace is a grimace. no need to get all pissy over a kid.
strange how its only one person getting sued, if i had to sue someone it would be the dude in red as he is enjoying it to much and the asian dude for being a noob.
Foreign minister Yang Jiechi has stated, “Miss Cyrus has made it clear she is no friend of China or anyone of East Asian descent. We have no interest in further polluting our children’s minds with her American ignorance.” haaa..
^ hahaha.... omggg shes getting sued for that piccie...doesnt this "woman" have anything to do.... it was just a joke....get over it already
obviously no judge is going to take something like this seriously. This woman is just trying to get her 15 minutes of fame. fucking retarded
Even if she came out and stated that she hates "chinks, japs, pineapples, niggers," whatever; and she takes pictures of herself mocking those people; she is expressing herself, and her speech, in whatever form, no matter how distasteful, is fully protected under the law (US constitution). It only becomes a civil rights violation if she abridges the constitutional rights of those others. In other words, all the people who feel offended by her (regardless of race) have the option of voting with their wallet and their time. They can choose to ignore her. Besides, any plaintiff attorney would have a hard time proving "intent" with that picture, as there is an Asian in the pic, and he actually looks like he's having a good time. Personally, I think this is just an idiot looking to get a little fame for themselves out of a celebrity's poor tastes and notoriety, and trying to appear high minded and righteous about it, when they're anything but... :rolleyes2: Additionally, there is such a thing as penalties for a Frivolous Lawsuit.
wow. although i'm not a big fan of cyrus. its not like we dont do that for fun ourselves sometimes no need to make it such a big deal >.>"
Don't hold your breath on it. This person is just wasting tax payers money, she don't represent us, she just wanted to get on TMZ>.<, that pic was really retarded but wasn't a big deal. Not like any of us hadn't mock others before.
Sure her stupidity got the best of her, but I think it was enough that she publicly apologized. It's kinda ridiculous for a civil suit to take place.
I would agree this is stupid, but Miley is "suppose" to be a role model to younger kids. If younger kids saw it, they would probably imitate it. All the kids do it to other asians, other asians gets harrassed by it. They think it's ok cause Miley does it too. I guess this would teach some kind of lesson. I'm on either persons side BTW.