Man...I can't stop watching the video. DH looks so sensual in it. Sheesh, I can just sit here and stare at him all day. -rolleyes I wonder why I never saw the commercial here in the states? I guess the clothing line is not really as "international" as they'd advertised.
This is my first time seeing him in an ad. He's REALLY hot for a mixed guy. Kinda weird seeing him with Gwyneth though...
Yep! He's mixed . His mom is Korean and his dad is American of British decent. Here's another really hot CM of his with Kim Ryu Won. henney
Coca Cola CM with ZHANG ZIYI! It's kinda old though... ziyi
nope, i believe his voice was dubbed. but isn't he cuute? -sweat i don't really like him w/ the long hair tho...
mixed ppl are always hot. ugh when he crossed his legs, it bothered me. i hate guys crossing their legs liek that