how many dates for hold hand? how many dates for cuddling? how many dates for first kiss? i am only interested in asians relationship...
are u talking about a long-term relationship or just something for fun? If u just want fun, it might take u 3 to 4 date for getting to ur "destination"
this is just for fun, i guess i should start it off... how many dates for hold hand? 2 how many dates for cuddling? 4 how many dates for first kiss? 4
how many dates for hold hand? how many dates for cuddling? how many dates for first kiss? you could prob do all that in the first date lol
how many dates for hold hand? 0 how many dates for cuddling? 0 how many dates for first kiss? 0 Try beating triple 0
done all on first date, not hard, make your self look good, don't say shit that will lower your quality as a guy. sound cocky, but in a funny way. be confident, act confident, don't pay for every thing, raise your values. flirt > touch on the shoulder etc.. talk really cloose to her/he face and pull away..etc and magic XD