Organizer says "Viz and Crunchyroll have gotten their acts together" The fan group Dattebayo has announced that it will stop subtitling and distributing the Naruto anime franchise "permanently" on January 15. That date is when the, Crunchyroll, Hulu, and Joost websites will officially begin streaming the latest episodes of the Naruto Shippūden sequel series one week after their Japanese broadcast — for free. A Dattebayo organizer who uses the alias "Interactii" says that an episode of Naruto Shippūden would get 450,000 downloads from Dattebayo in its first week. According to Dattebayo, the group accumulated 976,405 downloads for episode 20 in 489 days. "Interactii" notes that Viz Media, the North American distributor of the Naruto anime and manga, had never asked Dattebayo to stop subtitling and had never sent a cease-and-desist letter to the group. He continues, "But like any symbiosis, you have to know when its time to move on. That time has come. Viz and Crunchyroll have gotten their acts together and are trying something new, with one of the most popular shows in anime today. I, and the rest of the staff, know that if we continue to subtitle it, they will have to ask us to stop. That's something they probably don't want to have to do, because it will most likely make all of you very mad at them. That's something they really don't deserve." "Interactii" adds that Dattebayo will continue to subtitle another series. credits: ANN
yea, i saw their post on their website. kinda sucks and what other series are they gonna sub. the only anime they steadily release other than naruto is bleach so....and they tried to start other series but they never kept it going steadily oh wells i guess it was the right thing to do to help the anime business.
Q. What about Bleach? Are you dropping that too? A. If you’d actually read our press release, you’d know the answer is no. Sadly, if you’re the kind of person who would ask this question, you’re probably not reading this either. However, if TV Tokyo and/or Viz begin releasing Bleach the way they are planning to do with Shippuuden, we will most likely drop it as well. Source: Dattebayo Oh well, I just need to find the patience to wait another week, untill the episode gets subbed. (I dunt like the dubbed versions, it sucks..... ) This wouldnt be much of a trouble, If i could understand japanese....... >__<
then start taking courses or read some "japanese for beginners" guide on the web. Just learn the basics, and then the rest will come after seen some more animes (theory)
no big deal, naruto will still be there to watch, i hope they start doing this with drama too, ill pay a subscri[ption for it then, not to sure about crucnyroll as ther quality is crap, so i wont be going on that site.
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There will be others fansubbers that will rise to subbed Naruto Shippuuden so I am not too worry about it.
viz and crunchyroll sucks ... the quality sucks on crunhcyroll and u have to wait an entire week to watch it for free , unless u pay and subscribe .......and the eps suck atm anway .. cause its the fillers ... all im waiting for is when naruto becomes sage in the anime ... cause he is seriosuly kicking ass atm and i wanna see it in anime .. lmao