Dayo Wong Slips Over and Over Again Dayo Wong, Benz Hui and Vivien Yeo were filming the final scene for TVB series "Evil Kin" and this was a touching moment for Dayo, who has endured a lot for this series. First he was faced with being bitten by a dog, then he was stabbed by nails and hit by thunder. Most recently, he was filming a rainy escape scene where he had to slip and fall over again and again. Dayo says that it was not the water from the sprayer that had caused the ground to be wet: "That night we were filming a chase scene on Mo Sing Leng and it was actually raining very hard which was quite atmospheric, so we filmed it quickly. However, after a few attempts at the slipping, my backside was hurting so much, but it was worth it because I have great expectations for this series. Although Dayo's bottom was injured, his football scene yesterday was still easy: "I do not know how to kick a ball at all, but I have a natural talent for sport and I can strike the right pose." Source: The Sun