Very inspiring. The ending is great. So don't read the comments or it'll spoil things for you. Watch it all.
I thought it was a movie or a clip from it too. lol. Nevertheless, very inspirational (Nice choice of music- Pachelbel's Canon )
^ lol same here! i was like wow her hair is really smooth and shiny wow the ending is definitely awesome-lol
OH MAN WHAT THE FUCK LOLOLOLOLOL at first i was like girl is cute =D and then i was like.... holy fuck..... that's so fucking amazing... canon = win and then i was like... HOLY FUCK @ CONCERT! WIN!!! and then.... ........................................................... Spoiler PANTENE WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!??!! needless to say, i shat bricks the size of an igloo ice block.
LOL i thought it was something life changing and serious, but the hair being blown around like that, WTF, dont look serious to me, then end came and WTF ~ didnt expect to see that at the end ^^
lol...i could tell that this was going to be a hair commericial when she started going all out with the hair spinnin