Dear Life...

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by wondergirl, Aug 30, 2006.

  1. wondergirl

    wondergirl Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if this is going to work out, but this is something new I've been wanting to try...

    The way we do this is by writing a story in diary form. The entry can be about anything that is on your mind or bothering you at the moment, or it could also be about an event. Although it is like the Round Robins, the diary entries will be a format different to the regular story format. The story/post/entry can also be uncontinous (is that a word?), and can be from any date. Anyway, the concept is that everyone in the forum write diary entries with something to do about themselves. It is a collection of diary entries of different people. Please feel free to contribute and/or comment.

    I will start.....


    August 30th, 2006

    Dear Diary,

    Things have been great for me. I have my Jie Mei and we're a happy family :)! Nothing really bad has happened to me recently. I've met new people and have made close/good friends. I've also gotten my SAT results; SAT prep class acutally helped. :p

    Only bad thing right now is my cold sore! I can't chew or talk without pain! :(

    Only small bumps in the road of life, hehe......
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    August 30, 2006

    Dear Diary,

    MY left leg effing hurts...had a cramp on the lower bak on my leg yesterday night while walkin to the bus stop at cne. The pain..had to like hold on to 2 of my friends and i just stood there for a while...ppl were like was kinda funny...THE PAIN kills...yesterady was another unsuccessfuly day of macking on girls...i guess i need to know the girl b4 askin her leg still mad..and i missed my orientation for skool..i forgot it was today..everything so f-ed up..grrrr
  3. blackmagic

    blackmagic Well-Known Member

    Dear Diary,

    Today I told him I liked him. He responded by going around in a circle. He didn't say anything, but I could take the hint. Though I told him I am ok, I went home to cry on my bed......
  4. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Aug 30th 2006

    *Error: Server Unreachable*
  5. Sept. 02, 2006

    Candy Cane Nunchucks... -cool2
  6. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    Dear Diary,

    I knew I should've done something earlier. I knew I shouldn't have told her his secret... maybe then she wouldn't have been interested? I know it's cheesy, but I should have been honest with him in the first place. Tell him "It's YOU, you idiot!" Now it's just too late. All I can do now is wish them a happy relationship and support them. ><

    Other than that and the fact I failed my driving knowledge test and got yelled at for it, everything's great. =]
  7. Dear Life...

    daammmn you lookin fine today... -inlove
  8. n4mele5s

    n4mele5s Well-Known Member

    Dear life, why does it have to be so borin ????????????????? and

    wah ms jojo how could u fail that test XD ?
  9. lol knew quite a few pple who's failed their written test before... and its pretty shocking considerin if you looked over the manual a bit... but hey better luck next time.. =)

    what you so bored about nameless?? les go jump some rooftops..
  10. n4mele5s

    n4mele5s Well-Known Member

    lol done that and rite now tryin to drift on the streets of toronto lmao and lol i no a girl who failed the written test 3 times!!
  11. i know a girl who failed their driving tets 6...!!!

    so dont worry jojo... the worst is yet to come... ahahaha...

    streets of toronto ayy... sounds mean n gritty... i wanna learn how to ride a motocycle so i can get suited up with my Insect Helmet on...
  12. n4mele5s

    n4mele5s Well-Known Member

    lol motorcycle is like ridin a bike but with shiftin gears
  13. cept your haulin ass and you can blow right pass the cars like eeerrrrvvvrrroooom..... plus you can't rock a superhero suit in a bike... come on...
  14. n4mele5s

    n4mele5s Well-Known Member

    lol dont forget bout the speed jacket :D lol i always wanted one of those but too expensive :( and btw im goin to get my motorcycle lics later on haha
  15. aww you bastard... hope you fail.. =). yea those jackets n helm is damn expensive.. make you get a harley so you can ride into ppls neighborhoods in the middle of the night and piss the ish out of 'em...
  16. n4mele5s

    n4mele5s Well-Known Member

    lol i was plannin to get a sports motorcycle but the thing is if i drive one of those i hope i dont get hit by the girl who failed 3 times or ur friend
  17. ahahhaha.. yea its damn dangerous... espec. on the freeways... One time i was drivin in the rain and like some dude two cars infront of us skidded like crazy trying to cut to another lame.. i mean luckily there was slow traffic... or else...
  18. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    ahhh i feel horrible about it!! i was SO PREPARED, like i thought i knew EVERYTHING. but i got the first question wrong and started shaking and my mind went completely blank. i used up all 50 questions too. i just had to mess up on the very very last question. =(
  19. n4mele5s

    n4mele5s Well-Known Member

    lol yup ecko its very dangerous and dont worry bout it jojo u just go in the exam with out thinkin ur doin the exam :p lol if u were taht nervous then wait till ur g2 hahah
  20. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    Dear Diary,

    Just admit it, you stopped talking to me because you were busy trying to impress her. It's so obvious. You stopped once she came by. Quit lying to me!