Derren Brown appeared to pull off his biggest stunt so far last night when he successfully predicted the National Lottery results. The illusionist claimed to have printed his prediction on six white balls earlier in the day and these remained in shot, but facing away from the camera, throughout the programme. After watching the live lottery announcement on BBC One, Derren walked across to the six white balls and turned them around to reveal the correct numbers. So, how did he do it? Discussion boards are already rife with theories and speculation about how he managed to pull off the trick. One popular suggestion is that there was a slight time delay in the BBC's broadcast of the lottery draw and someone had given Derren the numbers just ahead of the broadcast. Others believe that the programme used a split screen effect which allowed someone to arrange the correct balls once the result had been announced. Or, perhaps the balls were sitting on a special device which printed the numbers onto them as soon as they were revealed on the BBC show? Derren claims to have spent a year working on this latest trick - did he simply work out a system where he could predict the numbers? And how can we get our hands on this information?? All will be revealed in a special programme at 9pm on Friday night on Channel 4 Derren Brown The Event - Lottery Prediction on Yahoo! Video Source <3 Derren Brown, Been Following him for 7 years almost ..... he just amaizng and imo this is 100% genuine ... cause ive seen all his shows and stuff and he explains what kind of person he is .. he just a phycologist extremist ... he can read you by just listening to your voice ... i no crazy .....<3 <3
hmm, ill try to remember to watch that for tomorrow, but in all honesty, if he reveals how he does it, its not like any person will pull it off anyway....otherwise the lottery will be broke when a lot of ppl can apparently pull off the stunt and win lol but he is pretty amazing though x
but the money. -inlove i don't think i'll be able to catch it, so u8 update me! :biggthumpup: i can't see it being legit. if it were, the lottery would have to be remade.
dont really care neither, it's lottery dav lets stick w/ mega millions xDD a black laborer work in madison square garden won the mega!! even he can win, i only won 2 bucks max -cry2
pfft... megamillions' minimum lump sum jackpot is 6 million (lump sum meaning after taxes) and they only have 5 numbers+1power ball
just finished the lottery explanation thing..quite glad i didnt pick psychology, tho i like it o___O'''' i could've go crazy or sth wisdom of crowds.......omfg
^im not 10 things on TV arent real in general ("hmmm DELICIOUS!"; "I lost 25lbs in 2 weeks by following one rule."; "This machine....." etc), but the concepts are interesting