Desperately seeking answers

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by nichiren, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. nichiren

    nichiren Member

    my girlfriend has left me, my soulmate has gone, i dont know what i am doing, what do you do when you lose your first love.any advice on how to deal with this PLEASE-cry2
  2. mobidoo

    mobidoo Well-Known Member

    It will take some time for healing to come.

    We all go thru that one way or another so take heart !

    Just the other day, I met up with some of my old school mates over beer and the topic was about our first love.

    Some are already married and with kids and its kinda funny how memories of our first love will always be deep.

    Well, there will be heartbreaks but there will always be joy. Seek out your friends who might be a shoulder to lean on for a while.
  3. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    unfortunately, its a part of relationships....

    try to keep busy but talk abt it with friends it might help n relieve
    theres always happy n sad times.... just try to cherish the good times u had together n try to move on la...

    even tho u feel bad now will pass dont worry la : )
  4. ghostsxy

    ghostsxy Well-Known Member

    dont worry you will find someone else, just move on.
  5. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    You have to be strong and move goes on and you will find someone even though it may take some time.
    For this,yeah,you have to cherish the time you good times together and think that you will have these great moments later on...
  6. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Stripclub with your homies and 50 one dolla bills
  7. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    well... for one thing... u could stop calling her ur soulmate... get over it... go grab a few drinks with ur buddies and grind up against some hottie at the club... get that game goin again...
  8. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    if you want to move on, hang out with friends and just do stuff. watch films and stuff to put your mind off it. a good way to cure depression is to watch horror films ^^ and do stuff actively :D video games or any sports ~
  9. kazekai224

    kazekai224 New Member

    First ones are always the hardest. I remember...when She left me. to keep a VERY and i mean VERY, I got into all sorts of trouble trying to get her back. Up till now I still think of her. But not as in a woe kind of way. Just all the good memories i used to share with her you know? She was the world to me, I played for keeps...I guess it was too much for her then...But anywho.

    I learned from it. For awhile I resented the opposite sex. But whats the use? i figured im gonna end up griding myself on some other girl sooner or later >.> but lol yah. i found someone else. Shes very loyal and sweet to me. So what more can I ask for?

    For you my friend...

    You just need to find that source of "light" that can make you go forward. Hey, if you still love her. Keep trying. Show her youre more than A+ material. Show her it was a mistake doing what she did. Oftenly people leave others because of one is lacking the other or what not.

    As for me...I was too much in pain that when I showed her that she made a mistake...I pushed her pleas and cries away saying that she'll do it again. I I let peer pressure decide for me when my heart yearned for her love again. Dont make the same mistake I did. If you believe or decide whats best for your mind sould and heart you'll truly be happy. =] Hope you feel better.
  10. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    u start goin to clubs and bars and meet more girls
  11. nichiren

    nichiren Member

    thanks for all your comment i tell myself the same thing but doing it is much harder, i keep thinking maybe in the future we could get back together but i am just kidding myself.hope none of you have to go through this.
  12. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    In the next few days you'll be thinking back what you have done and hoping that you two can be together again, thats normal.
    The only way to get over it is live you life and eventually you'll stop thinking about it. Spending time with friends during this time will distract you from thinking about it. Don't bother down your sorrows with alcohol, it never ever works.

    Try thinking as heartbreaks and break up as a filter for the imperfect girls in your life. Might makes you feel a bit better I hope.:ugh::ugh::ugh:
  13. thisquin

    thisquin Active Member

    Just sleep with her friends, because if you say you can;t forget her, sleeping with her friends will make her NEVER FORGET YOU jk.
  14. nichiren

    nichiren Member

    1 of the reason she left me because i was always with my friend and not her, i did realise late and tried to make ammends, but it was too late.i am a better person after realising my bad point, because i learnt from my mistake but she couldnt let go of the past and focus too much on the bad times i feel helpless
  15. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    i'm gonna be as honest and blunt as i possibly can... ur not helpless... ur useless... i'm sorry m8... but u got this loser mentality goin on and it's sick and pathetic... girl drops you, you explain, she doesn't care, and u try to crawl back to her? bro... when a girl drops u, i can understand a guy can get pissed off, then get a bit sad... but to keep hopes of goin back to her when she clearly doesn't care... she didn't just drop u... she took ur balls w/ her... man up ffs... :slap:
  16. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Concur. My first girl? Shit, I don't even remember what the hell she looked like, LOL... And like you stated, the girl doesn't even care after the apology? EFF that, if that was mine, she could kiss my behind and don't let the door kick her in the ass on the way out. -whistle

    And LOL the sorry assed introspection of "...realizing my bad points" etc. To the OP Dude; no offense, but all this self loathing and wallowing in despair? Just listen to yourself; what you sound like. It's no wonder that she dumped you. Here's a clue, the only way you're ever going to get any more pussy is to stop acting like one. Forgive me if I sound harsh. But sometimes a little bit of ice water in the face will do wonders in waking someone up. :ugh:

    Look upon this as manhood 101. You just got graded. D minus; magna cum slobber. :finey:
    #16 ralphrepo, Feb 24, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2009
  17. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    If you're such a fucking loser, kill yourself then .. I am sure she will never forget you.
  18. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I totally forgot if you were the one who told people to suicide if you had a heartbreak or not LOL :xd:


  19. perfectguy4you

    perfectguy4you Well-Known Member

    Don't think about it. There are lots of things that are waiting you for you to accomplish, such as your education, your life, your future, your friends, etc... I'm sure that there are other things that you like to do. Do it. There are lots of girls in this world and it is not that hard to find a new mate. Don't be so stressed out over that girl. We need to be strong and not let girls ruin our life. Show to her that you can still live your life even without her.
  20. nichiren

    nichiren Member

    i have thought about topping myself but my parents didnt make me so i can go and kill kill myself is to be a loser , i am trying to find a way to deal with the lost so i can move on