There are more honors students in India than the US has students.
Thanks for the post Fearless. I was just reading about the issue on world hunger. It is set to soar by another 10 million from the current 20 million in 10 years time. Such irony... world is getting "richer" and advances have been made in all aspect of medical science. But the disease of "hunger" is set to increase. I don't get it at all.
back in the 50s or whenever, they said we would have flying cars by now and live on the moon..... extrapolation sucks!
I like this vid -^_^!!It would have been a great topic of discussion in my G.P class if i was still in high school...
you could argue that as time goes by we get better at extrapolating the future because we have more past and current data to work with. I have no doubt that once holographic data storage becomes a reality and CPU's become more like multithreading GPU's we will be well on our way to extremely powerful supercomputers.